[Pharm27] Volunteer Opportunity - MedFest on February 23rd

Samia, Gracee ggsamia0804 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Feb 8 20:56:01 EST 2024

Hello Everyone!

We are holding another *Special Olympics MedFest* on *February 23rd at
Lillington-Shawtown Elementary* from 7:30 - 3:00 and would love for you to

Please fill out the form linked below if you want to join us on Friday,
February 23rd at Lillington-Shawtown Elementary.

*Things you'll be doing:*
- paired with a student and entertaining them (all elementary school
- checking students in/out
- setting up and breaking down/cleaning up event
- running a health education station about nutrition or other health topics

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Hope to see you soon,
Gracee Samia
ggsamia0804 at email.campbell.edu
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