[Pharm27] APhA-ASP T-Shirt Sale Updated Design

Munro, Hannah hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu
Wed Feb 7 15:12:07 EST 2024

Hello Everyone,

We have heard the concerns and are happy to announce we have updated our
t-shirt which we hope this concept captures each program accurately and the
proud spirit we all share being Camels in medicine! We thank you so much
for everyone who has already bought a shirt and thank you in advance to
those who purchase and support our organization. Attached is the updated
design, the payment link is back up and running.

If there are any further questions or concerns, please let us know by
emailing our Fundraising Chair Raegan Koenig at
rlkoenig1026 at email.campbell.edu.

Thank you so much and have a happy Hump day! 🐪

[image: APhA-ASP T-Shirt Sale .jpg]

*Hannah A. Munro *
Campbell University | Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2025
CPHS PharmD Student Ambassador | President
APhA | Communications VP
PASA | Fundraising Chair
GCRO | Secretary
Campbell Health Center Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
Email: hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu | Phone: (919)-539-1067
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