[Pharm27] IPhO Webinar Series - Marketing in Industry

Growney, Melissa msgrowney0303 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Feb 5 08:00:00 EST 2024

 Hello, all!
Please join IPhO virtually on Thursday, February 8th at 7 pm for the first
installation of a collaborative webinar series focusing on the 4 main
functional areas in the pharmaceutical industry.

This part of the webinar series will be focused on marketing within the
industry with guest speakers across various companies including
professionals and fellows. If you have an interest in marketing or want to
learn more about the industry as a whole, please join us for this online

You can join by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer OR using THIS
LINK <https://mcphs.zoom.us/s/94370428611> to join the meeting.

We hope to CU there!

[image: Marketing Flyer.jpg][image: Marketing Flyer Part 2(Guest
Speakers).jpg][image: Main Flyer.jpg]

*Melissa Growney*
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PharmD/MSPS Candidate | Class of 2026
PharmD Class of 2026 | Secretary
Professional Alumni Student Association | Class of 2026 Representative
Industry Pharmacists Organization | Director of Communications
msgrowney0303 at email.campbell.edu
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