[Pharm27] Info for classes/student leaders!

Staffaroni, Kathleen A staffaroni at campbell.edu
Mon Sep 18 17:39:38 EDT 2023

I have attached a presentation and recording below that will inform/remind you of many expectations and resources for your organizations and classes regarding various common Student Affairs topics. One topic to note in particular is if you are going to hold a fundraiser. More specifically, if you are designing a T-shirt (page 7-8). The university went through some slight changes regarding branding late last year after months of deliberation. Please review the video and save the power point presentation for when you have questions.

FYI- I remain on military leave through 6 November, but will access my email a few times per week until then if you need me. See you shortly, CPHS.
[https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/video_16x16.png]SLIPS Presentation 2023 3.mp4<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/kastaffaroni0314_campbell_edu/EafobbhWpwdDmPUhMnQIIZQBIk3Jf8nCF6vb_C0rnl7u5A>​​​

Be Well,

*Please know that I will be on military leave 7/11-11/3. I return to the office 11/6*

Kathleen "KT" Staffaroni

Director of Student Affairs | Office of Admissions & Student Affairs

Campbell University | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Air National Guard | Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

Request a Student Assistance Program appt. here<https://www.mygroup.com/portal/student/request-sap-appointment/>

Make an appointment with me<https://campbell.starfishsolutions.com/starfish-ops/dl/instructor/serviceCatalog.html?bookmark=connection/5210801/schedule>

phone: 910-814-5693

[cid:42485940-b2ab-4903-a853-156c36d664f6]             [cid:8719b699-7c6d-465e-926b-eeb763f31c77]

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