[Pharm27] PASA Interest Meeting

Montgomery, Caroline crmontgomery0129 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Sep 14 08:00:00 EDT 2023

Happy Thursday!

PASA will be hosting a second interest meeting at Smith Hall on *Thursday,
9/14 at 4:00pm* and we will be located in a study room upstairs in Smith
Hall. We also still have our bake sale running until 9/15. You can use the
QR code attached to the flyer to pay. We also have a place for you to pay
cash at the table in Maddox and the Health Science Campus. Baked goods will
be $1 each. The minimum amount with the QR code is $5. The $5 will cover
the Jeans Day ($3) and 2 items ($1 each).If you have any questions or
concerns please let me know.

 Smith Hall PASA Interest Meeting

*Caroline Montgomery*
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PharmD Candidate | Class of 2025
Professional Alumni Student Association | President
Pharmacy Student Executive Board | Secretary
Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity | Beta Kappa Chapter| WC
In-Clinic Rx | Pharmacy Intern
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