[Pharm27] PRIDE in Healthcare Event: Health Concern Perspective Panel

Barefoot, Sarah E sbarefoot at campbell.edu
Mon Sep 11 12:43:12 EDT 2023

Good afternoon,

Please see the attached flyer for all those who might be interested.


Sarah Barefoot-Goetz
Student Affairs Coordinator | Office of Admissions & Student Affairs
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
e: sbarefoot at campbell.edu<mailto:sbarefoot at campbell.edu> | t: (910) 893-1692
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."- Proverbs 3:5-6

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Catherine Lewis Wente, PharmD, CACP
Director of Integrated Pharmacotherapy | Clinical Assistant Professor
Room 217 Maddox Hall | 910-893-1721
catlewis at campbell.edu<mailto:catlewis at campbell.edu>
Internal Medicine Clinical Specialist
PGY1 Residency Program Coordinator
Central Harnett Hospital
[College_of_Pharmacy_and_Health_Sciences-Horizontal-Align---Print half crop]

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