[Pharm27] Fwd: NCODA and SSHP General Body Meeting 10/26 *mock*

Beatty, Allison adbeatty1222 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Oct 23 07:49:07 EDT 2023

Hello Future Pharmacist!

NCODA & SSHP will be hosting a joint general body meeting *on October 26th
at Noon* in the *Harris Teeter** lecture hall.* During this meeting, we
will have a phenomenal guest speaker, Dr. Laniey Vargo. She is completing
her PGY-2 residency that specializes in oncology at West Virginia
University Medicine. She will discuss her residency path and her
implementation of a pharmacy-driven adherence service at Cape Fear Valley
Medical Center for metastatic breast cancer patients.

If you have any questions that you would like her to answer.", please place
them HERE!

[image: NCODA & SSHP October GBM.png]

Kind regards,
*Allison Beatty*
Doctor of Pharmacy candidate | Class of 2025
PharmD Class of 2025 officer | President
National Community of Oncology Dispensing Association | President
Student Society of Health System Pharmacists | Secretary
Walgreens | Pharmacy intern
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