[Pharm27] Kappa Epsilon Second Rush Event

Evans, Diamond dmevans1125 at email.campbell.edu
Sun Oct 22 20:00:00 EDT 2023

Hello Camels!

Please join Kappa Epsilon for our second rush event, Backyard BBQ Bonfire.
This event will be held October 26, 2023 from 5:00-7:00 pm in Saylor Park.
We will be hosting a night of fun & food! This is a great opportunity to
learn more about our fraternity and members. Please sign up with the
attached link if you will be in attendance to make sure we can provide
enough food for everyone. However, sign up is NOT required to attend the

For the first part of the event, we will be enjoying some good food,
playing some yard games, and even learning a line dance or two! During the
second part of the event, we will also sit around the bonfire making
smores. We hope to CU there!

Additionally, our next rush event will be "Capes and Tutus" held on
11/16/23. Stay tuned for more information!

As a reminder, to receive a bid from KE you must attend two rush events.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me (
dmevans1125 at email.campbell.edu), or any other member of KE.

Best regards,

*Diamond M. Evans*

Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences | Pharm D
Candidate Class of 2025

APhA-ASP | Reproductive Health Committee Chair

Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity, Inc | Prospective New
Member Chair & Recruitment Chair

Campbell University CPHS Student Ambassador

dmevans1125 at email.campbell.edu
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