[Pharm27] Kappa Epsilon Breast Cancer T-shirt Pick-up

Davis, Alexis atdavis1119 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Oct 19 16:42:02 EDT 2023

Good morning!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our t-shirt fundraiser for breast
cancer awareness. We greatly appreciate your support of our cause. If you
purchased a t-shirt and are scheduled to pick it up from me, please
come to *Maddox
Lobby on 10/20/23 between 12-2 p.m. *If you are not able to come during
this time please email me to arrange another pick-up time.

Kind regards,
Alexis T. Davis
PharmD/MSPH Candidate, Class of 2025
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
atdavis1119 at email.campbell.edu
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