[Pharm27] Fall 2023 Mobile Clinic

Avila, Carly c_avila1118 at email.campbell.edu
Sat Oct 7 17:00:34 EDT 2023

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a good first week of the new block! The CUCCC Mobile
clinic will be running in Harnett county on Monday nights and Duplin county
on Wednesday nights, with the exception of a couple of dates. New dates
have been added for the Mobile Clinic Sign Up
until the end of the year. As we start getting closer to the end of the
semester, keep in mind 4 hours of community service hours for PPD are
*required* from either free or mobile clinics.

*Volunteer Policy:*
Signing up to volunteer at the Mobile Clinic is a commitment to both the
care team and to the clinic's patients. By signing up you will be
committing to complete the designated volunteer shift. Stand by volunteers
are requested to maintain their availability until *3:00 pm* on the
specified date for the clinic. In the event that a student cannot fulfill
their volunteering obligation, it is the* students* *responsibility* to
reach out to a stand by volunteer and get in touch with me to report a
shift change.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me!

Best Regards,
*Carly Avila*
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2025
Campbell University Community Care Clinic | Mobile Clinic Pharmacy Liaison
National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) | Special Events
Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) | Operation Substance Use
Disorder Chair
Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (ΦΔΧ) | Beta Kappa Chapter
Professional Alumni Student Association (PASA)
Food Lion Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
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