[Pharm27] IPhO & GCRO: Guest Speaker Emily Mantovani - 11/9

Davis, Lindsey ljdavis0311 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Nov 2 07:59:27 EDT 2023

Hello everyone!

The Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO) and Graduate Clinical Research
Organization (GCRO) will be hosting Campbell University alumni, Dr. Emily
Mantovani, on *Thursday, November 9th at 5pm in Harris Teeter Lecture
Hall *with
a virtual option*.* Dr. Mantovani will be joining us to discuss her role as
a Clinical Science Director at BeiGene. If you plan to attend in person,
please use the *QR code in the attached flyer or the following LINK
to sign up as dinner will be provided*. To attend virtually, please use
this *LINK* <https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/1c40a019fbf1432c8ba32589027ca0b8>
to join. We hope to see you there!

[image: Emily Mantovani Event Flyer_ November 9.png]

Thank you,

*Lindsey Davis*
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PharmD/MSCR Candidate | Class of 2025
Industry Pharmacists Organization | President
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. | Delta Lambda Chapter | Historian
Graduate Clinical Research Organization | Treasurer
Campbell University CPHS | Student Ambassador | Teaching Assistant
ljdavis0311 at email.campbell.edu
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