[Pharm27] *Reminder* ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge

Gillett, Gabby gwgillett0425 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Aug 28 16:31:25 EDT 2023

Good afternoon everyone!

This is just a reminder that the ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge is
happening this Wednesday, August 30th at 6pm! The competition will take
place in Maddox Room 117, and Chick-fil-a will be provided to all
participating teams. During this event, teams of 3 will compete in a
quiz-bowl type challenge to put their clinical pharmacy knowledge to the
test. This will include trivia, clinical cases, and jeopardy
style questions. Our local winner will move on to a virtual, regional
competition with a chance to represent CPHS at the national ACCP convention
in Dallas, TX.

Sign ups are open to *all* students, P1-P4. If you are interested in
competing but do not have a full team, please reach out to the SCCP officer
team so that we can help you find a group! Please see the attached flyer
for more information, and click here
sign up.

We hope to CU there!

If you have any questions, please contact Cassey Zendarski at
cmzendarski1030 at email.campbell.edu.

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