[Pharm27] NCAP-SPF First General Body Meeting

Choi, Joseph j_choi1023 at email.campbell.edu
Tue Aug 8 08:00:24 EDT 2023

Hello Everyone!

On behalf of the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Student
Pharmacist Forum officer team we hope that you all had a great summer. We
are very excited to announce the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists
Student Pharmacist Forum (NCAP-SPF) first general body meeting. The meeting
will take place on *August 14 from 12:00-1:00 pm in Ed Herring Lecture Hall*.
Chick-fil-A will be provided at this meeting for those who sign up on the
provided document. Please sign up HERE

For our first general body meeting, we have the pleasure of hearing from
the previous student practitioner forum chair Dr. Shane Garrettson. He will
be discussing the importance of being involved in NCAP and how to advocate
for our profession. Additionally, this is a great opportunity to learn more
about our organization and to meet the current officers.

Please sign up for the meeting and lunch using the QR code listed below.
Please fill out the sign-up sheet by *August 10 at 5:00 pm*.  We hope to CU
there and have a great rest of your first week! If you have any questions,
please contact Cassandra Zendarski at cmzendarski1030 at email.campbell.edu.

[image: NCAP GBM Flyer (1).png]

*Joseph Choi*
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PharmD Candidate | Class of 2025
Pharmacy Student Executive Board (PSEB) | President
Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SSHP) | Treasurer
North Carolina Association of Pharmacists (NCAP) | Secretary
Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society | Alpha Zeta Chapter |
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. (ΚΨ) | Delta Lambda Chapter |
j_choi1023 at email.campbell.edu
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