[Phar26] Wellness Circle "Confetti Dance (Confidence)" PART 2

Alcindor, Amber analcindor0905 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Oct 31 10:46:41 EDT 2022

Good Morning Everyone,

Thank you all for coming out to last week's Wellness Circle. This upcoming
week there will be a Part 2 based on everyone's feedback.

Thursday 11/03
Maddox Hall Room 225

Topic: Confidence!
Link: HERE <https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/sk77p5e10536rv/>
[image: image.png]


*Amber Alcindor *

Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate, Class of 2024

analcindor0905 at email.campbell.edu
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