[Pa24] Support for Campbell PA alumnus, Jess Schavone

Gerstner, Laura R. reedl at campbell.edu
Thu Feb 15 15:03:55 EST 2024

Dear Campbell Alum & current students,

My name is Treston Clark-LaRue ('21) and I am reaching out to the Campbell family for support of one of our fellow alumni. Jessica Schavone ('21) was diagnosed at the end of 2023 with a high-grade infiltrating glioma brain tumor that she recently started treatment for. She was diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome while we were in school together and because that new information, she knew to seek help when she developed some concerning symptoms.

There is a fundraising 5K/Walk in April that Jess' family and friends will be participating in. If anyone is interested in participating or donating to the cause I will post the link below. There is also a facebook group created by her family if you would like to post some words of encouragement as Jess embarks on her fight against cancer. Thank you for any love and support you can offer!

Angels Among US 2024<https://www.supportdukehealth.org/site/TR;jsessionid=00000000.app30015b?team_id=29367&fr_id=2240&pg=team&NONCE_TOKEN=97E77DCBDE0636C717D36A737802FA9E>

Facebook Group<https://www.facebook.com/share/pof7gsLRvSUzLRLa/?mibextid=K35XfP>

Meal Train<https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/qkd3wl>



Treston G. Clark-LaRue, MSPH, MPAP, PA-C
Campbell University | Class of 2021
University of Pittsburgh | Class of 2016
814-241-3992 | tgclarklarue0119 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:tgclarklarue0119 at email.campbell.edu>
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