[Pa23] Community Service Opportunity

Stamey, Shirl R sstamey at campbell.edu
Thu Mar 10 11:44:19 EST 2022

Good morning!

I'm reaching out today with an exciting opportunity for our students! CPHS and CUSOM have been invited to help plan and participate in a health fair on March 19th from 10-2pm at the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry in Dunn, NC. CommWell Health will be providing their Mobile clinics in conjunction with CUSOM's mobile clinics. CPHS Student Affairs, in collaboration with CUSOM, a pharmacy student are currently planning this event. The scope of the fair is to be a health and community information event where the local farmworker population can receive preventative healthcare information, as well as multiple lab checks (glucose, lipid, blood pressure, HIV screening, and multiple others). We have a list tables that can be provided by students, but this list is not exhaustive by any means and there is plenty of space to add other and more topics. We would also love to make this fair as collaborative with our programs as we can with having multiple disciplines at each of the tables. The tables we have planned so far are listed below:

  *   Blood Glucose Test - Diabetes Information
  *   Lipid Test - Cholesterol Information
  *   Health Lifestyle changes
  *   Blood Pressure Testing and Heart Health and Information
  *   OMM Station - DO program
  *   Pharmacy Medication Management
  *   Women's Health Information and Resources
  *   OTC Literacy Information and Resources

While the only programs that are able to offer clinical services are DO and Pharmacy at this time, I wanted to extend the offer to all CPHS students to participate. We will need help with setting up the fair, breaking down, translators, people helping to direct the flow, possible help with traffic, help organizing the information to give out during this health fair, check-in, etc.! Please respond to this email if you are interested in serving and available during Saturday, March 19th. This is a wonderful opportunity to get required service hours!

Thank you!

Shirl Stamey
Student Affairs Coordinator | Office of Admissions & Student Affairs
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Pronouns: she/her/hers
e:sstamey at campbell.edu<mailto:sstamey at campbell.edu>  | t:(910) 893-1692<tel:%28910%29%20893-1692>
Please click here<https://campbell.starfishsolutions.com/starfish-ops/dl/instructor/serviceCatalog.html?bookmark=connection/2317781/schedule> to schedule an appointment!
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