[lawmajordonors] FW: Video

Leonard, J. Rich leonardjr at campbell.edu
Sat Jul 6 11:02:15 EDT 2024

From: Leonard, J. Rich
Sent: Saturday, July 6, 2024 10:59 AM
To: Law School - Faculty & Staff <LawSchool-All at campbell.edu>
Cc: Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>; lawBOV at list.campbell.edu
Subject: Video



I never cease to be amazed by what our students can accomplish.  Arising out of their representation of inmates preparing for their parole hearing, clinic students came up with the idea of creating an instructional video that could be used as a guide for hearing preparation.  I find the result exceptional, and understand that the Division of Prisons is onboard with allowing inmate access to it.  Congratulations to the students and to the outstanding faculty at the Blanchard Community Law Clinic who oversaw this effort.

Dean Leonard
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