[lawmajordonors] FW: The Week Ahead | 11/20 - 11/26 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter

Leonard, J. Rich leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Nov 20 09:35:39 EST 2023

From: CU-NAWSOL Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities <OSLPBO at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2023 9:25 AM
To: lawstudents at list.campbell.edu; Raleigh Campus All Faculty and Staff <raleighcampusall at campbell.edu>; Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>
Cc: lawBOV at list.campbell.edu
Subject: The Week Ahead | 11/20 - 11/26 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter

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The Week Ahead
Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
on behalf of the Student Bar Association


SBA Events Calendar + The Week Ahead Newsletter
To have your event approved and added to the Week Ahead Newsletter, please fill out the Event Request Form and email Assistant Dean of Student Life, Regina Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rbyrne at campbell.edu>. The deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon for the following week's newsletter. If you have any questions, please email Dean Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rchavis at campbell.edu>.

SBA Student Spotlight
Know a Campbell Law Student that deserves some recognition? Nominate them for the SBA Student Spotlight! Simply tell us the nominee's name and why they deserve the spotlight for a day. Accomplishments do not have to be academic or law school related. Examples include: running in a 5K, volunteering, overcoming personal challenges, traveling, dedication to family or friends, heading up a project for a student organization, etc. Selected nominees will be featured on SBA's Instagram, @campbelllawsba. To nominate someone for the SBA Student Spotlight, click HERE.<https://forms.gle/tLwg4ib4Kw5HftkNA>

Notice of Proposed Student Organizations | Business Law Association

An Application for Organization Charter for Business Law Association has been approved by the Office of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities. Please see the attached Application for Organization Charter and Constitution. As a part of the student organization chartering process, a "Notice of Proposed Student Organization" announcement will be added to the Week Ahead Newsletter for the two weeks immediately following the approval of the organization.  Any student may appeal the creation of a student organization to the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee within ten (10) business days of the first, published "Notice of Proposed Student Organization" announcement. To begin the appeal process, the student must send an email to the Assistant Dean of Student Life & Pro Bono Opportunities, Regina Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rchavis at campbell.edu> and the Chair of the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee, Suzanna Geiser at sgeiser at campbell.edu<mailto:sgeiser at campbell.edu>.  The Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee will investigate the appeal in a timely manner. Any decision by the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee will be reviewed by Dean Leonard who retains final approval authority.

To view the constitution, click HERE<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mgburrell0511_campbell_edu/EeGPWGQUV_5ChAf38MquJNYBhhyzg5A2MPSBMuSX6E34KQ?e=tHkLz5>. To view the application, click HERE<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/mgburrell0511_campbell_edu/EUyYaashC9RLiz9gbFVaA-0B_E0YgB_U6-Ow4leBSGhSUA?e=grA8GW>.

Notice of Proposed Student Organizations | Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity

An Application for Organization Charter for Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity has been approved by the Office of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities. Please see the attached Application for Organization Charter and Constitution. As a part of the student organization chartering process, a "Notice of Proposed Student Organization" announcement will be added to the Week Ahead Newsletter for the two weeks immediately following the approval of the organization.  Any student may appeal the creation of a student organization to the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee within ten (10) business days of the first, published "Notice of Proposed Student Organization" announcement. To begin the appeal process, the student must send an email to the Assistant Dean of Student Life & Pro Bono Opportunities, Regina Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rchavis at campbell.edu> and the Chair of the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee, Suzanna Geiser at sgeiser at campbell.edu<mailto:sgeiser at campbell.edu>.  The Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee will investigate the appeal in a timely manner. Any decision by the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee will be reviewed by Dean Leonard who retains final approval authority.

To view the constitution, click HERE<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mgburrell0511_campbell_edu/EUblB8k3dlxHpr3nFiiT7vMBi5zZKQ0DEjymk2T-nn6bQA?e=UDQa7f>. To view the application, click HERE<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mgburrell0511_campbell_edu/EYg441Ne6jVGnUoAN_Z30S8BwPJirdZc-k4q6-xZIgpkQQ?e=IPYwXE>.

Updated Library Hours

Tuesday, November 21st: 7:00am-5:00pm

Wednesday, November 22nd: 8:00am-3:00pm

Thursday, November 23rd: CLOSED

Friday, November 24th: CLOSED

Saturday, November 25th: 12:00pm-9:00pm

Sunday, November 26th: 12:00pm-12:00am

Events & Activities

Monday, November 20

Student Commons
Dessert & Cider

Join us in the Commons for desert & cider! Faculty and staff members provide baked goods for students to enjoy delicious desserts and warm cider along with holiday music and positive thoughts as we kick off the exam and holiday season!

Tuesday, November 21

Last Day of Class

Wednesday, November 22

Thanksgiving Break

Reading Day

Thursday, November 23

Thanksgiving Break

Reading Day

Friday, November 24

Thanksgiving Break

Reading Day

Saturday, November 25

Sunday, November 26

Looking Ahead

Haven House Donation Drive with BLSA | Nov 1st through Nov 24th


WHO: BLSA for Haven House Services

WHAT: Donation drive (food and household items)

WHEN: November 1st - November 24th

WHERE: Donation boxes in the Commons and first-floor main entrance

WHY: To help youth in crisis

About Haven House Services

In 1972, Rev. Al Dimmock, a local pastor, was volunteering in juvenile court when the court faced the case of a young girl who could not go home, was unfit for training school, and had no other options. The case compelled him to create a place of refuge for young people in difficult circumstances. This place became Haven House Services in 1973. Some are homeless; others are in crisis due to difficult family situations, problems at school, and/or mistakes they have made. Many have a history of trauma, abuse, or neglect. Few have positive adult role models to help youth navigate obstacles or provide them with a safety net. Haven House does whatever it takes to help each youth identify their goals, overcome challenges, build the skills, and get the resources needed to be safe, supported, and successful.

Haven House Services also created the Wrenn House to provide a safe, legal, and responsible environment for youth (ages 10-17) who run away from home, are homeless, or are otherwise in a crisis. For more than three decades, Wrenn House has served those experiencing crisis by providing a diverse range of services including temporary shelter, counseling, case management, referrals, and a variety of life skills, all within a therapeutic and safe environment that promotes individuality and empowers youth and families. Your donations will benefit both the Haven House and the Wrenn House.

Help us make a change!

For questions or information about other ways you can help please feel free to contact Sierra Robertson at s_robertson0812 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:s_robertson0812 at email.campbell.edu> or Dakhari Davis at djdavis0924 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:djdavis0924 at email.campbell.edu>.

Monday, November 27th
Exam period begins. For more information, please see the QR Code:

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Additional Information

Questions, Suggestions, Comments, and/or Concerns?
Let SBA know using the Virtual Suggestion Box<https://forms.gle/BPWbEXtwYLLGtAH37>!  Submissions will be reviewed by the SBA Executive Board and discussed during bi-weekly SBA Council meetings. The outcome of Virtual Suggestion Box matters will be documented in SBA Meeting Minutes. Minutes are attached to the Week Ahead email following the SBA meeting. Students may submit anonymously; if contact information is provided, we will follow up with the outcome of your submission.

Health & Wellness Resources

Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form: Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfntHSoSa5b-U3BtWKlwB4V-uM_2tiTXUB35nOD92EeS7IqQA/viewform?pli=1>
This is a weekly prayer request form provided by the Campbell Law student chapter of the Christian Legal Society.  The purpose of this form is to provide Campbell Law students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to request prayer for the needs that they may have, whether those needs be physical or spiritual and on their own behalf or on behalf of another. Every week, the officers of the Campbell Law Christian Legal Society will read all prayer requests and gather together to lift those supplications to the Lord in prayer. Please know that all prayer requests will be held in the strictest confidence unless you tell us otherwise. We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will grant you grace for every need.
"[D]o not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV).

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Be sure to follow Campbell Law School on your favorite social media sites to stay up to date:

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