[lawmajordonors] FW: Negotiation Workshop mock interviews
Leonard, J. Rich
leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Feb 6 14:22:45 EST 2023
Professor Newell is a new professor here we were delighted to attract, so she has limited connections thus far in our community. If you can help her, please do, and send to friends if you cannot.
Dean Leonard
From: Newell, Lauren A <lnewell at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 2:20 PM
To: Law School - Faculty <LawFaculty at campbell.edu>
Subject: Negotiation Workshop mock interviews
Hello, All,
Next Tuesday, February 14, from 1-2:30 p.m. I will be conducting alumni mock interviews in the Negotiation Workshop. This exercise gives students extra interviewing practice, along with strategies for negotiating throughout the interviewing and hiring process. A brief description of the logistics and mechanics is pasted below.
The external relations team has been working to get some alumni who are willing to participate, but they have not had much luck. If you know of anyone-in any legal setting and at any career level-who would be willing to join my class next week, I would be extremely grateful for the introduction.
During my February 14 Negotiation Workshop class (1-2:30), I plan to do a mock interview "speed dating" exercise. It involves three sets of interviews. First, students do a screening interview. Second, they do a call-back interview. Third, they do a post-offer salary and benefits interview. Then we reconvene and do a Q&A session about interview tips and anything related to negotiating a job offer.
I try to get as many interviewers as I can so that students get more hands-on experience. In practice, what ends up happening is that I have more students than interviewers, so I have the non-interviewing students observe an interview while they're waiting for their turn. I like to get interviewers from all sorts of different practice areas, and I try to let students interview with someone in their preferred area, if possible. I also like to have one interviewer participate by phone and another via Zoom so students get the experience of dealing with that as well.
Lauren A. Newell
Professor of Law
Campbell University School of Law
225 Hillsborough Street | Office 419
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 865-4495
LNewell at Campbell.edu<mailto:LNewell at Campbell.edu> | SSRN Page<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1731947>
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