[lawmajordonors] FW: Rich, check out the Career Advisor for weekly updates and tips on how to stay connected to the latest job info!

Leonard, J. Rich leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Apr 10 10:30:08 EDT 2023

From: Campbell Law Career Center <lawcareercenter at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 10:26 AM
To: Leonard, J. Rich <leonardjr at campbell.edu>
Subject: Rich, check out the Career Advisor for weekly updates and tips on how to stay connected to the latest job info!


Empowering You for Professional Success


Sidebar Social | April 13, 2023 at Hi-Wire Brewing in Durham, 5:30-7:00 PM
The North Carolina Advocates for Justice is partnering with the Durham County Bar Association to host a networking event at Hi-Wire Brewing in Durham. For more information and to register, click here.<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=e118a57faa&e=716d1b6c05>

Judicial Clerkship Bootcamp | April 14, 2023
The D.C. Bar Law Student Community is hosting this curated program, which is deigned to expose law students to clerking as a career option. This event is geared towards 1Ls, but law students of all levels are welcome to attend. For more information and to register, click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=bd260200e1&e=716d1b6c05>.

Find Your Career Path Informational Webinar | April 26, 2023 at 1:00 PM
The NLRB is hosting their annual career webinar, where you can learn about career paths in the NLRB, current opportunities, and have the opportunity to engage with NLRB professionals. To register, click here.<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=07dfb21b3f&e=716d1b6c05>

Break Into Law Conference | July 8-9, 2023
Barrier Breakers presents the second annual Break Into Law Conference. The conference is a free virtual event with resources for legal education and the legal profession with a focus on BIPOC and first-generation lawyers. To find more information, click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=2ebf176ec5&e=716d1b6c05>.


Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=ab81f1077b&e=716d1b6c05> to let us know if you have already secured a summer job and help us keep abreast of employers who are hiring our students!

If you haven't yet found a summer job, click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=0c5f45621c&e=716d1b6c05> to to be added to a listserv for future communication about summer opportunities!

JUDICIAL CLERKSHIPS are excellent opportunities for postgraduate employment but they have specific criteria, timelines and protocols that are important to understand. Whether you are a 1L just learning about the significant impact a post graduate judicial clerkship can have on your legal career or a 2L or 3L actively seeking a position with state and/or federal courts, the NCBA YLD's clerkship Video Series is a great resource. <https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=3695f6a87a&e=716d1b6c05> Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=34440219e4&e=716d1b6c05> to access the Series and hear directly from Judges and their law clerks about all things judicial clerkship!


Make sure to check Symplicity regularly! Updated opportunities are added almost daily.

The Law Office of Colon & Associates, PLLC is seeking applications for an intern. Symplicity ID #18699

Merz North America, Inc is seeking applications for a Summer Legal Clerk Internship. Symplicity ID #18706

The CAREER CENTER IS HIRING!  We are seeking a Student Worker for the summer! The position is up to 10 hours per week, flexible, and can potentially work around your summer internship or externship. Apply on Symplicity. Symplicity ID #17020   Email Director Underwood (munderwood at campbell.edu<mailto:munderwood at campbell.edu>) with questions.

Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=200bce04a4&e=716d1b6c05> to access Symplicity

Make sure to check Symplicity regularly for externship opportunities!

The NC State Bureau of Investigation is seeking a Fall Extern. Symplicity ID #15997

The NC Governor's Office is seeking a Boards and Commissions Extern. Symplicity ID #18687

Judge Webster is seeking a Fall Extern to work in the US District Court for the Middle District of NC. Symplicity #15772

The NC Administrative Office of the Courts is hiring a Summer Extern. Symplicity ID #18750

Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=183c00b71b&e=716d1b6c05> to access Symplicity for externship opportunities.
Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=4ddb565f09&e=716d1b6c05> to access the Blackboard externship information page.


The Honorable Michael Robinson in the NC Business Court is seeking a judicial clerk. Symplicity ID #18800

The Honorable Julianna Theall Earp in the NC Business Court is seeking a judicial clerk. Symplicity ID #18801

Sodoma Law is hiring a Family Law Attorney. Symplicity ID #18754

Green Misretta Law is hiring an Associate Attorney. Symplicity ID #18875

Ryan the Lawyer is seeking applications for an Associate Attorney. Symplicity ID #18698

Hutchens Law Firm is seeking an Associate Attorney. Symplicity ID #18876

Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=4b9af02b64&e=716d1b6c05> to access Symplicity


2023 Campbell Law Public Interest Summer Grants are now available. Deadline April 19, 2023. If you have an unpaid internship in a public setting (not including judidical clerkships or state/federal prosecutorial offices), apply today! Symplicity ID #18695

The Zoning, Planning and Land Use Section of the NC Bar Association is offering two $1000 scholarships to unpaid interns working in a NC government or public interest law department during Summer 2023. Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=f3a9a2745d&e=716d1b6c05> for more information and to apply.

Scholarships360 has a list of the top 24 law school scholarships.
Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=149cd5c5b6&e=716d1b6c05> for more information.

Milestone is accepting applications for it's Trial LawHer Scholarship. Rising 3L female students are encouraged to apply.
Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=1cfa384ba6&e=716d1b6c05> for more information.

The ABA has scholarship opportunities available,
Click here<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=0f75d836c2&e=716d1b6c05> for more information.


Arizona Handbook: Government Entry-Level and Summer Internship JOB POSTINGS!
The Handbook is a huge aggregation of job postings and hiring details for over 200 federal, state and municipal job postings. Sort the opportunities by your class year, and get to applying! Not all federal positions are in DC, so don’t overlook this!
http://arizonahandbooks.com/u/campbell<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=59e41cc8ba&e=716d1b6c05> [wiggins]

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm

Career Center Team

April Giancola
Assistant Dean of Career and Professional Development
email<mailto:agianola at campbell.edu> | LinkedIn<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=1993749940&e=716d1b6c05>

Niya Fonville Swint
Director of Externships
email<mailto:nfonville at campbell.edu> | LinkedIn<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=356f1ec43e&e=716d1b6c05>
Mallory Underwood
Director of Career and Professional Development
email<mailto:munderwood at campbell.edu> | LinkedIn<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=c0fba0b2ac&e=716d1b6c05>

[Email the Center]<mailto:lawcareercenter at campbell.edu>
Email the Center<mailto:lawcareercenter at campbell.edu>

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Campbell Law School Career Center · 225 Hillsborough St Ste 101 · Raleigh, NC 27603-1764 · USA

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