[lawmajordonors] FW: The Week Ahead | 12/5 - 12/11 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
Leonard, J. Rich
leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Dec 5 09:28:31 EST 2022
From: CU-NAWSOL Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities <OSLPBO at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 9:28 AM
To: lawstudents at list.campbell.edu; Raleigh Campus All Faculty and Staff <raleighcampusall at campbell.edu>; Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>
Cc: lawBOV at list.campbell.edu
Subject: The Week Ahead | 12/5 - 12/11 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
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The Week Ahead
Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
on behalf of the Student Bar Association
SBA Events Calendar + The Week Ahead Newsletter
To have your event approved and added to the Week Ahead Newsletter, please fill out the Event Request Form and email Assistant Dean of Student Life & Pro Bono Opportunities, Raven Byrne at rbyrne at campbell.edu<mailto:rbyrne at campbell.edu>. The deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon for the following week's newsletter. If you have any questions, please email Assistant Dean Byrne at rbyrne at campbell.edu<mailto:rbyrne at campbell.edu>.
SBA Student Spotlight
Know a Campbell Law Student that deserves some recognition? Nominate them for the SBA Student Spotlight! Simply tell us the nominee's name and why they deserve the spotlight for a day. Accomplishments do not have to be academic or law school related. Examples include: running in a 5K, volunteering, overcoming personal challenges, traveling, dedication to family or friends, heading up a project for a student organization, etc. Selected nominees will be featured on SBA's Instagram, @campbelllawsba. To nominate someone for the SBA Student Spotlight, click HERE.<https://forms.gle/tLwg4ib4Kw5HftkNA>
NS-MLSA Toy Drive
We are collecting toys and other items to donate to children through the WakeMed Hospital Holiday Drive through December 5! See the attached pdf for more info!
Ghana Study Abroad Program
The 2023 Ghana Study Abroad Program class session will run from May 22 - June 9, 2023. The class is worth 3 credit hours, and you will be home in time to complete an internship or externship over the remainder of the summer. Tuition is $3,900; an estimated $2,000 program fee to cover lodging, transportation (minus flights), and most meals; and an $80 summer school student activity fee. For any financial questions, please reach out to Lisa Clark, clarkl at campbell.edu<mailto:clarkl at campbell.edu>. Applications (see attached pdf) are due on Friday, January 20, 2023, with a non-refundable $300 deposit.
***The Week Ahead will be on hiatus until classes resume the week of January 5, 2023***
Events & Activities
Monday, December 5
Tuesday, December 6
Reading Day
Wednesday, December 7
Thursday, December 8
Friday, December 9
Saturday, December 10
Sunday, December 11
Looking Ahead
Spring Semester Classes Begin | Thursday, January 5th
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No classes) | Monday, January 16th
Additional Information
Questions, Suggestions, Comments, and/or Concerns?
Let SBA know using the Virtual Suggestion Box<https://forms.gle/BPWbEXtwYLLGtAH37>! Submissions will be reviewed by the SBA Executive Board and discussed during bi-weekly SBA Council meetings. The outcome of Virtual Suggestion Box matters will be documented in SBA Meeting Minutes. Minutes are attached to the Week Ahead email following the SBA meeting. Students may submit anonymously; if contact information is provided, we will follow up with the outcome of your submission.
Health & Wellness Resources
Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form: Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_J_uONPLcutO254gfdWGs8PSHL2oVU9gKiqzHC8FwBdaYdw/viewform?usp=pp_url>
This is a weekly prayer request form provided by the Campbell Law student chapter of the Christian Legal Society. The purpose of this form is to provide Campbell Law students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to request prayer for the needs that they may have, whether those needs be physical or spiritual and on their own behalf or on behalf of another. Every week, the officers of the Campbell Law Christian Legal Society will read all prayer requests and gather together to lift those supplications to the Lord in prayer. Please know that all prayer requests will be held in the strictest confidence unless you tell us otherwise. We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will grant you grace for every need.
"[D]o not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV).
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Be sure to follow Campbell Law School on your favorite social media sites to stay up to date:
Facebook: Campbell University School of Law<https://www.facebook.com/campbelllawschool/> | Twitter: @CampbellLawNow,<https://twitter.com/CampbellLawNow> | Instagram: @Campbell_law<http://www.instagram.com/campbell_law/>
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