[lawmajordonors] FW: Campbell Law School Community Newsletter | March 15 - 21
Leonard, J. Rich
leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Mar 15 09:17:36 EDT 2021
A couple of notes. The law review symposium this Thursday has some really interesting panels, if you need some CLE.
And note that we are having two Pause Days this week in lieu of a weeklong spring break. Our Covid cases remain low, with two currently and only fifteen this semester and nineteen all year. We could not risk all of our students leaving for spring break.
From: CU-NAWSOL Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities <OSLPBO at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 7:01 AM
To: Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>; lawBOV at list.campbell.edu; lawstudents at list.campbell.edu; Raleigh Campus All Faculty and Staff <raleighcampusall at campbell.edu>; Turnipseed, Samantha K <norelli at campbell.edu>
Subject: Campbell Law School Community Newsletter | March 15 - 21
Importance: High
Weekly Community Newsletter on behalf of the Student Bar Association
[cid:image006.jpg at 01D68756.DC3CFD10]<https://law.campbell.edu/1040-celebration/>
Complete the Required Daily Health Assessment<https://campbell.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_55W8isOuJBZeCm9> before you leave home. Information below the calendar.
The current number of reported positive COVID-19 cases at Campbell University Law School in Raleigh: 2
Total number of reported positive COVID-19 Cases Since January 4th, 2021: 15
Law school administration will contact anyone directly impacted by a reported positive case.
To view all scheduled law school events, visit the Event Calendar on Podio (Kivnet).<https://podio.com/calendar>
The deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon for the following Community Newsletter.
Announcements and Events
Beginning Monday, February 1st, 2021, any student who fails to complete and present their Daily Health Assessment results upon request will be instructed to return home for the day. You will be marked absent in your classes for the day.
Continued Conversations: "And Justice For All" Recording
If you missed Continued Conversations: "And Justice For All" with Professor Jon Powell, Dean E. L. Grant, Melvin Holland, Monica Veno, Justin Lockett, Alyssa McPike, Morgan Swink, and Darius Boxley, watch it now. Hear the students talk about their experiences on race, law school, and participating in the article and conversation. You can watch online at https://youtu.be/mu3kp1j9_JM.
To read more about the concept of "Racial Stamina," you can read a short article here<https://www.friendsjournal.org/white-stamina/> or check out the book "White Fragility<https://www.amazon.com/White-Fragility-People-About-Racism/dp/0807047414/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&hvadid=77859297933972&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvqmt=p&keywords=robin+diangelo&qid=1615567177&sr=8-2>" by Robin DiAngelo.
The Law Library Presents Prepare to Practice
Graduates, summer externs, judicial clerks, and anyone who wants to improve their legal research skills , the Law Library will be hosting a Prepare to Practice workshop that will help you hone your legal research skills and introduce you to practice materials. There will be two separate workshops: one on Thursday, March 18, 12:10 - 12:50 and one on Monday, March 22, 12:10 - 12:50. Email Adrienne DeWitt at dewitt at campbell.edu<mailto:dewitt at campbell.edu> to confirm your spot and send you the Bb Collaborate link.
Tim Wilson of SAS to speak on Diversity and inclusion in the Patent Bar
Join Professor Lee as he joins Tim Wilson on March 30 at Noon. Tim Wilson recently received the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Presidential Leadership award for his work in education and fundraising to benefit HBCU and increase BIPOC representation in STEM and in the patent bar. To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tim-wilson-of-sas-to-speak-on-diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-patent-bar-tickets-145946382559.
Win with Ghost Delivery!!
Our team at Ghost has put together some promotional rewards for all customers. Start placing orders to be involved in the following rewards:
- Place 10 orders for $10 or more (tips included) and receive a $20 Amazon gift card.
- $150 Amazon gift card raffle: For every $5 you spend through Ghost, you will receive 1 ticket to be submitted in our raffle drawing on April 15th.
See attachment for more details.
Join the Campbell Law School Legal Feeding Frenzy Team - brought to you by the Pro Bono Council
Please join the Campbell Law School community for the 2021 NCBA YLD Legal Feeding Frenzy! This is an annual joint program of the Office of the Attorney General, NCBA Young Lawyers Division, NCBF and Feeding the Carolinas. This program aims to fight hunger across North Carolina by uniting the legal community in support of local food banks. This program consists of a "food and fund drive" competition among all North Carolina Law Firms, law schools and other organizations and will run from March 1-31st, 2021. The legal feeding frenzy is especially important this year, as many local food banks are struggling to meet the demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many food banks are seeing a demand for food up 30%, while the pandemic continues to negatively affect our community. Please consider donating to this great cause! The Campbell Law School fundraising page can be found here: https://4agc.com/fundraiser_pages/73317dc1-9127-4515-ac06-34cbb95ed777#.YDAu9OhKhPY
Have your taxes prepared by the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Pro Bono Project
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who make $54,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. This year, the VITA Pro Bono project at Campbell Law is opening this opportunity to qualified students. If you are eligible and would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please sign up for an appointment by clicking here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrYUEuB4C6JUCpym7ih-vEMYuHkqpa16w4oXn33dKFRD8nNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>. If you sign up, please remember to bring your ID, Social Security Card, W-2's, last year's tax return, and any other relevant documents that you may have.
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On behalf of SBA Cares, we would like to honor Professor Melissa Essary as our seventh SBA Cares Faculty Spotlight Award recipient.
Professor Essary is passionate about the power of law as well as developments within the law. Her students praise her for her genuine caring for the well-being of her students from the minute they walk in the classroom door. One student noted, "with almost every student that walks in the classroom door, she always greets them with a good morning and asks how their weekend was." She also checks in on the well-being of her students based on recent world events by facilitating empathetic yet educational conversations about troubling circumstances we are found in. She acknowledges students' experiences and is understanding when it comes to student needs regarding class. Not only that, Professor Essary is receptive to feedback from students that have different opinions, and she doesn't invalidate them. Another student praises that her open door to her office allows and welcomes students to talk to her about classes, life, or just vent about law school. Around campus, Professor Essary has been known to help students that are not even hers, comforting them when they are stressed from the pressures of law school and helping them through troubling times not relating to law school. Professor Essary is someone students can always count on because she cares about growing people as well as growing new attorneys.
SBA Cares is a committee under the Student Bar Association that works to create a focus on the mental and physical well-being of the student body. Students, if you feel a member of the faculty or staff has taken student mental and physical well-being into consideration, SBA Cares would love to hear about it. You can submit to the Virtual Suggestion Box, or email any of the SBA Cares Committee members.
SBA CARES Committee
CGS = Church of the God Shepard Fellowship Hall
Monday, March 15, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Thursday, March 18, 2021
9 AM
Pandemic Pandemonium: Hindsight Really is 2020 - Thursday, March 18, 2021 - The Campbell Law Review will host its annual symposium about how COVID-19 has impacted: bankruptcies, Qui Tam lawsuits, employment law, and constitutional law in North Carolina. For more information visit https://www.campbelllawreview.com/2021-hindsight
Graduates, summer externs, judicial clerks, and anyone who wants to improve their legal research skills , the Law Library will be hosting a Prepare to Practice workshop that will help you hone your legal research skills and introduce you to practice materials. There will be two separate workshops: one on Thursday, March 18, 12:10 - 12:50 and one on Monday, March 22, 12:10 - 12:50. Email Adrienne DeWitt at dewitt at campbell.edu<mailto:dewitt at campbell.edu> to confirm your spot and send you the Bb Collaborate link.
7:30 PM
Hear from candidates who are running for HLSA executive board positions. Voting will be conducted via an online platform the following week, March 15 - 19, 2021. Contact a leader of HLSA for more information or enroll in their Blackboard page.
Friday, March 19, 2021
GME to the Moon!! The Business Law Association is honored to be hosting Attorney Kenneth W. Bart, Jr. - an experienced Corporate Law and Securities Attorney currently practicing at Ward & Smith - as he gives an informal presentation on the financial and legal implications of the recent GameStop stock phenomenon. The presentation, followed by a brief Q&A session, will take place on Friday, March 19th via Zoom from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Students interested in attending this event may Register Here<https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqduuprjgsEtIyANsscQ_ClB_ahAmxga6e>.
Join CLS on Friday, March 19 at 12 p.m. to hear Steven Walker speak on Navigating Faith in the Practice of Law.
Steven Walker, a Campbell Law Alumni, currently practices at Walker Law Firm, L.L.C. after serving as General Counsel under Former Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest. In addition to his law practice, he also serves as the Senior Pastor at Parrish Memorial Baptist Church in Selma, North Carolina.
Blackboard Link: https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/5ea20e50aa3b4b0eb50e85eaeb98efd6
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Looking Ahead
Save the Dates: Spring 2021
* April 8, 2021 - SBA and PBC Talent Show
* April 10, 2021 - Admitted Students Day and Family Day/ (Virtual) Law Day Banquet
* May 7, 2021 - Class of 2021 Graduation
Additional Announcements
SBA wants to hear from you!
Questions, Suggestions, Comments, and/or Concerns? SBA wants to hear from you! In an effort to facilitate SBA visibility and transparency this semester, we have set up this "Virtual" Suggestion Box<https://forms.gle/uRdH7NjicjNfKH7FA>. Feel free to submit the form anonymously. However, we will make every effort to follow up with you individually if you do submit your contact information. Submissions will be reviewed by the SBA Exec Board and discussed during bi-weekly SBA council meetings. Our meetings are always open to the public, and we encourage you to (virtually) attend and tune in to discussion if you submit an issue. More details about how to attend these meetings will be forthcoming. Thanks for helping us help you! Together, we can make Campbell Law a better place.
Campbell Law Honor Court Updates
The Campbell Law Honor Court adjudicates violations of the honor code. As law students at Campbell Law, we are required to abide by the school's Honor Code and to keep ourselves informed about revisions/amendments. The current Honor Code can be accessed here: https://podio.com/campbelllaw/cu-allaccess/apps/students/items/1. If you are aware of any Honor Code violations, you can use the link below to make a report. As always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your class justices or Chief Justice Kenya Glover. Please be on the lookout for more honor code updates in the upcoming months. Link to report: https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/r1j8u3671t9t603/ - This will also be at the bottom of this newsletter weekly for convenient access.
Health and Wellness Resources
BarCares, North Carolina Bar Association
BarCares is there for those of you who need to talk with a counselor about stress, grief, time management, family issues, or other things that may be weighing heavily upon you-now or anytime. Campbell Law School subscribes to this service for all students, faculty, and staff. It entitles you to three free, confidential visits with certified counselors each year. BarCares also offers a 24/7 emergency service at 1-800-640-0735. They work with clients to find a counselor who accepts the client's insurance if more than three visits are required.
HRC Behavioral Health & Psychiatry, P.A. has been fully operational during the COVID-19 virus public health emergency. BarCares services may be accessed by Campbell School of Law members even if they are sheltering out of state. BarCares providers are providing services by telehealth, and if requested by the client and offered by the provider, in person as needs dictate.
To learn more, visit: https://www.ncbar.org/members/barcares/
NC Lawyer Assistance Program, NCLAP
NCLAP is a confidential program of assistance, funded by the State Bar, for all North Carolina lawyers, judges, and law students. For those law students struggling with issues of depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol problems or other mental health issues, the LAP is here to help. They offer a full range of resources and solutions to help you manage your issues in the short and long term. Every service provided through the LAP is 100% confidential and 100% free. To schedule a private appointment, contact Delia Brown at delia at nclap.org<mailto:delia at nclap.org>.
To learn more, visit: https://www.nclap.org/law-students/
Community Counseling, Education, and Research Center (CCERC)
The Community Counseling, Education, and Research Center (CCERC) is currently accepting new clients for Distance Counseling Services.
What We Do: We provide mental health and career counseling services for holistic wellness. We only offer Distance Counseling (i.e., telemental health) at this time due the COVID-19 pandemic. Computer, internet, and/or phone access are required for distance counseling services.
Who is Eligible: Individuals ages 14 and older, couples, and families who live in North Carolina.
Our Counselors: Graduate students in the NC State University Counselor Education Program provide counselor services under the supervision of Counselor Education Faculty.
Our Values: We welcome, respect, and support diverse cultures and personal identities of all people.
Cost: We use a sliding fee scale ($0-$30) to provide counseling services for any income level. Wake County Public School System students receive services at no cost.
Website: go.ncsu.edu/ccerc
UNC Family Medicine at Downtown Raleigh
Feeling sick? Need medical attention? UNC Health Care has opened a new center in Downtown Raleigh on Fayetteville Street. Contact (984) 215-4960 for more information.
Complete the Required Daily Health Assessment before you leave home.
Please take careful note that any student entering the building must first complete a daily health assessment and receive an All Clear Ticket. The link for conducting your daily health assessment is here: https://campbell.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_55W8isOuJBZeCm9. You will want to Bookmark the assessment.
You may also use the following QR code:
[A picture containing indoor, drawing, clock Description automatically generated]
If you have completed the Daily Check-in Assessment and received a "DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS" order, you MUST submit a Change in Instruction<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/r5cjmvk0nfk0ll/> form immediately! The "Change in Instruction" form is here<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/r5cjmvk0nfk0ll/>. This change will apply to all classes. A change of instruction request not related to a "DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS" order must be for a good cause. Do note: all attendance policies still apply for non-quarantine absences. If you have any questions regarding quarantine protocols, contact Dean Grant at egrant at campbell.edu<mailto:egrant at campbell.edu>
Leading with Purpose
Office of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities
Be sure to follow Campbell Law School on your favorite social media sites to stay up to date:
Facebook: Campbell University School of Law<https://www.facebook.com/campbelllawschool/> | Twitter: @CampbellLawNow,<https://twitter.com/CampbellLawNow> | Instagram: @Campbell_law<http://www.instagram.com/campbell_law/>
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