[Law26] Book Request

Hinds-Glick, Sha hindsglicks at campbell.edu
Thu Aug 15 10:51:11 EDT 2024


I am in need of two books, Legal Writing (Edwards) and Basic Legal Research (Sloan). If you have these two books and would be willing to lend them to me for a few weeks, please let me know. These are books from your first year LRW class.

Thank you!

Sha Hinds-Glick
Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Academic Success

Campbell University Norman A. Wiggins School of Law

hindsglicks at campbell.edu<mailto:shipman at campbell.edu> // http://law.campbell.edu<http://law.campbell.edu/careercenter>

919-865-4662 (phone) // 919-865-5887 (fax)


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