[Law26] Oh the Places You'll Go Programs Start NEXT WEEK!

Giancola, April M agiancola at campbell.edu
Fri Aug 25 14:05:54 EDT 2023

Good Afternoon,
We hope that second week of Classes at Campbell Law have been a success. As we mentioned during Campbell Advantage, the Career Center is here to be your partner with everything Career Development related. That journey started when you walked in the building 2 weeks ago and will continue for the next 3 years. Next week we will be hosting 2 lunch time programs to cover the basics on what you need to know to start off strong. We hope you'll join us. There is still time to RSVP so we can include you for lunch. We hope to see you there!!

TUESDAY, August 29 | Navigating Symplicity & Blackboard
12:00-1:00 pm in Room 105
Register HERE<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=c6bdd39f3b&e=a0872f1998> by 9:00 am on August 28 and we will treat you to lunch!

THURSDAY, August 31 | Legal Resume & Cover Letter 101: What You Need to Know
12:00-1:00 pm in Room 105
Do you know what legal employers want to see in resumes and cover letters? Studies show you have 6 seconds or less to make an impression. Come learn the key do's and don'ts and be ready for success when you start your first legal job search.
Register HERE<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=c2a819c1c6&e=a0872f1998> by 5:00 pm on August 29 and we will treat you to lunch!

Best regards,

April M. Giancola, Esq. (she/her/hers)
Assistant Dean of Career and Professional Development
Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law
225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27603

Students:  request an appointment<https://law-campbell-csm.symplicity.com/students/index.php?signin_tab=0&PHPSESSID=2f167499d26637e928909d58103fb998&signin_tab=0>
Employers: Post a job for a Current Law Student<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/qidlrne1km7ll5/> | Graduate/Alumni<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/q13wlxj071m4mx/>
Visit our website<https://law.campbell.edu/succeed/career-center/>
Personal Zoom Room<https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/j/4686177597?pwd=cmRCQXdBRU90NW81K2xCTWpkN3R4UT09>
agiancola at campbell.edu<mailto:agiancola at campbell.edu>
Office: 919-865-5894  |  Fax: 919-856-5993

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