[Law25] 3L Parking registration

Braswell, Brent E braswell at campbell.edu
Mon Jul 22 08:59:13 EDT 2024

Good morning,

The link to register for an assigned spot in the parking garage will go live at 9:00 am this morning.  After 40 submissions have been received, you will be directed to the Secure Parking website to register and pay for parking in one of the Secure Parking lots.  Everyone (including those who get a parking garage spot) must register through Secure Parking.  If you are not one of the lucky 40, I strongly encourage you to register as soon as possible with Secure Parking as one of those 40 may not pay for parking or be ineligible for a spot.  We will contact Secure Parking for registration times, and you may be the next in line should someone lose their garage parking.

The parking fee for the 2024-25 (August 1 - July 31) is $515.

PLEASE ONLY REGISTER ONE TIME! You will get an email confirmation that your submission was complete.

If you are a member of a student organization with designated garage parking, Dean Chavis has already contacted you with your assigned space. Please do not forget to register with Secure Parking as you must still register and pay for parking.

If you will be requesting a temporary parking accommodation to park on the deck, you may still register for one of the spots in the parking garage as your parking accommodation is temporary.  If you are requesting a temporary parking accommodation, please register with Secure Parking and email me (braswell at campbell.edu<mailto:braswell at campbell.edu>) about your needs.  All temporary parking accommodation requests must be submitted to me by August 1.

PARKING STICKERS:  We will no longer use parking stickers.  Secure Parking uses the information (car make/model/color/license plate info) to confirm your parking authorization both in their lots and on the law school property.  If you change vehicles or drive a different vehicle, please contact Secure Parking or risk receiving a parking ticket.  The law school has no authority over any tickets issued by Secure Parking.  You must contact Secure Parking to inquire about ticket payments or questions about why a ticket was issued.

PARKING DECK:  Please note - unless you have an assigned spot for a temporary parking accommodation or handicap placard, do not park on the parking deck until after 3:45 pm. You may only park in available visitor spots after 3:45 pm (designated with the word "visitor") as other spots may be reserved for guests. Parking on the deck before 3:45 pm or not in a visitor spot will result in a parking ticket.
Good luck!

Link for 9:00 am 3L parking garage registration, click https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/whs27bd1jn4ieu/

Have a great day!

Brent Braswell
Raleigh Campus Building Manager
225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 452
Raleigh, NC  27603
braswell at campbell.edu<mailto:braswell at campbell.edu>

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