[Law25] MPRE Simulation

Hinds-Glick, Sha hindsglicks at campbell.edu
Thu Feb 29 10:04:45 EST 2024


The MPRE is only a few weeks away! When it comes to high-stakes testing, practice makes passing, and we have a great opportunity for you to get in some practice under exam-like conditions. On March 21 from 5-7pm, Bonita Young, attorney, and regional director from Helix Bar Review by AccessLex<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__secure-2Dweb.cisco.com_158QH7dRKGihCicPt-5Fn-5F-5F9yn2JtJjWXjLYv4yE1SXRKRDCuLInZtcrMHmALBqf5PHSROwOlNSKushwJZMEDCtHxNccsL0UXfJyD3t54CE0KZtXVHr3S0xGXmygFngT1zin2pIf-5FJKpihjSHapdUsH3DCt5PhaO8zjXnN6anHuM3qeblCMROAgRFNETtZadjPudard-5F4YAHWcKui1EtY6XYHi-5FKrsD44q-5FdgS7SzsV2ne2Oa-5F0IOvoAOUFh-5FHZ7BKkscel2-2D0dZx27v5CIUu2-5FbMwb9aFDSsmd0PWqlibUYsl1ZFDGYywP8YYYReApAovjbbxLRi0hde3lBbAokaryOsmcw2d8YifeTFg6uBUbFI5bETh4MgVjTO-5F6gMiUBP1MqW4ZkaLR1DgXiHXPtjKo24u03h8rGLOATlGxjsSyHds_https-253A-252F-252Fwww.helixbarreview.org-252F&d=DwMGaQ&c=rsH3SuZAXrm25cjTYF4h9LyjkVxQ8u1sqtXKWixRdBQ&r=tJwyYr9KPG1Ysvu9DauLu2q5lgyqHVVRp7Q-1FgvGf8&m=fpVu1KCxHVvmFuJ7ivqA6MJZFb5mohHhhz8L9U1ubemIKhV9qf5ShiTlr06y8yzi&s=ITs0dYDvUh0vxT6J7z0eCcnUeoYH0u4vbX7jhUCusi4&e=>, will host a Simulated MPRE Exam on campus.

Even if you don’t feel like you’re ready for it, completing a simulated exam before attempting the actual MPRE is a great way to get in the right mindset for the test – to help you know what to expect so that you can feel confident walking into the testing center. The feedback you receive from your simulated MPRE will give you a snapshot of your current areas of strength – and weakness – so you know where to focus your efforts between now and exam day. All students are welcome!

Additionally, this is a wonderful review for those of you taking Professional Responsibility and working towards the final exam.

Register for the free Simulated MPRE https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4481797/2E13140B768B2CA23C45A564E940F8B2 . Then show up on Wednesday, March 21 at 5pm, in Rm# 313, for the Simulated MPRE. It will be 2 hours well spent!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Bonita Young, Esq. byoung at helixbarreview.org<mailto:byoung at helixbarreview.org>.

Dean Hinds-Glick

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