[Law25] Potential Externship Opportunity with Judge McAfee (EDNC - Bankruptcy)

Sanders, Nicholas R nsanders at campbell.edu
Fri Nov 3 15:42:46 EDT 2023

Happy Friday all,

If you are interested in a potential Spring 2024 externship opportunity with Judge Pamela McAfee on the EDNC Bankruptcy Court (or have previously applied), please reach out to me. Thanks, and have a great weekend!


Nicholas R. Sanders, Esq. (he/him/his)
Director of Externships
Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law
225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: 919-865-4697
Personal Zoom Room : https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/my/n.sanders
Post an Externship Position : https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/externship-position-form/

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