[Law25] Correction: BCLC Enrollment Open to Both 2Ls and 3Ls

Clark, Laura E lclark at campbell.edu
Tue Jun 13 14:29:54 EDT 2023

Good afternoon:

This e-mail is to correct a prior email from the registrar which stated that the BCLC Community Law Clinic is restricted to 3L enrollees.  Both the criminal and civil track of the Community Law Clinic are open to both 2Ls and 3Ls.

Please join us for our Open House on June 21, 2023 from 5-7pm for pizza and to learn more about our Community Law Clinic course offerings this fall!


Laura Clark

Attorney and Clinical Adjunct Professor

Blanchard Community Law Clinic

Campbell Law School

311-200 W. Martin St.

Raleigh, NC  27601

Clinic: (919)865-4471

lclark at campbell.edu<mailto:lclark at campbell.edu>


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