Newsome, Connie Shipman shipman at campbell.edu
Wed May 8 11:09:37 EDT 2024


Unless you have heard from me and/or Dean Tilly, or you are a 3L who was not slated for completion in May 2024, you have been cleared for graduation, both financially and academically...you are officially part of the Campbell University Norman A. Wiggins School of Law c/o (class of) 2024!  Yippee!  I always cherish sending this email.  We, as faculty and staff, are so very proud of and excited for each of you!

Graduates, IF you indicated on the graduation application that you do not plan to attend the ceremony but you have since changed your mind and we have not spoken, email lawregistrar at campbell.edu<mailto:lawregistrar at campbell.edu> immediately.  Conversely, if you stated that you would attend the ceremony and have since had a change of plans, email us immediately!  Otherwise, we have planned for your presence at both the rehearsal and the ceremony.

Below are reminders for the graduation rehearsal, graduation reception, and the ceremony.  If any issues or changes arise, email me immediately.  I am very much looking forward to seeing you for rehearsal at Memorial Auditorium at 11:00am. on Thursday, May 09, 2024.
STREAMING CAPABILITY:  If you have loved ones who are unable to celebrate this special moment with you in person, please forward to them the following link for streaming:  LINK TO STREAM 2024 LAW SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze_IoAcVOBc>  or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze_IoAcVOBc.


  *   You MUST have your regalia to participate in the graduation ceremony on Friday, May 10, 2024.

  *   Once you pick up your regalia, take it out of the plastic and hang it up to help release the wrinkles; ironing is NOT suggested.
     *   If you have not yet picked up your regalia, contact Melissa Peacock at mpeacock at campbell.edu<mailto:mpeacock at campbell.edu> to schedule an appointment.  Be sure to complete the aforementioned Graduate Employment Survey via Symplicity. (instructions attached)
  *   Each graduate should have already received 14 tickets.  If you need more, please ask among your fellow graduates.

  *   You will receive your JD Hood during the graduation ceremony (and your dual degree hood, if applicable, and if the degree is from Campbell University for this academic year).
     *   If you are a dual degree student from NCSU, you are welcome to wear your hood.  We will place the law school hood over it; we can only hood for degrees conferred by Campbell University.
  *   You are not allowed to decorate your graduation caps nor your doctoral tams.

THURSDAY - May 09th, 2024 - CLASS PHOTO  (Excited!)

  *   A photographer will take the class photo immediately after rehearsal.
  *   You MUST have your regalia on for the class photo.
  *   After the photo, you are welcome to leave for the graduation reception or to enjoy the rest of your day in whatever manner you choose.
  *   If there are any updates, you will receive an email.
ADDRESS:  Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts, Memorial Auditorium, located in downtown Raleigh, 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC 27601.  Memorial is the middle building of the three that make up the Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts.

Mandatory graduation rehearsal is scheduled for Thursday, May 09, 2024, 11:00am-1:00pm.  Once you enter the Auditorium, please sit in Section C.  We will start at 11:00am and the following will occur:

     *   Talking points from Dean Leonard and Dean Tilly.
     *   Roll call to ensure that everyone is present who should be present.
     *   Initial directions for line up from Ms. Jackson.
     *   Processional lineup for rehearsal with Ms. Jackson and student marshals.
     *   Important information, updates, and reminders from Dean Giancola, Dean Hinds-Glick, and Dr. Newsome,

Immediately following rehearsal, the Student Bar Association will host a graduation reception at the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, 421 S. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC  27601.  Dress is business casual.  Honors recipients as well as recipients of the 3L Book Awards will be announced.


  *   08:45am:  All graduates need to be at Memorial Auditorium with your cap and gowns.  It is imperative that you arrive on time and immediately begin to line up in the area designated during rehearsal.
  *   Everyone will be required to enter via a security screening, which includes use of a metal detector.  Alternate screening methods are available for those of us with accessibility needs.
  *   Prohibited items include weapons of any kind, outside food and beverages, balloons, backpacks, camera bags, and cameras with detachable lenses.
  *   There WILL NOT be a place to store valuables, so please leave them secured in your car, ensure they will fit in your pocket, or leave any valuables with a loved one.  Do not expect that Law school staff and faculty, or Memorial staff, will be able to hold or assume responsibility for any valuables.
  *   The doors to Memorial Auditorium will open at 9:00am for your guests and each guest must have a ticket, unless it is a small child who will sit in someone's lap.
  *   Graduation will begin promptly at 10:00am and should conclude around noon.
  *   If you are planning lunch downtown, we suggest reservations for 1:00pm.  This should allow time for hugging, crying, selfies, and etc.  If you are planning lunch at a location external to downtown, we suggest 1:30pm or 2:00pm, depending upon location and approximate travel time.


  *   Dark slacks (and socks) or skirts under your regalia robes.
  *   Dark and comfortable shoes that will not slip on hardwood floors.
  *   Decorations are not allowed on the mortarboard caps nor the doctoral tams.


  *   There are several pay parking lots and spaces within walking distance near Memorial Auditorium.  Directions and parking information are available via this link<http://www.dukeenergycenterraleigh.com/directions>.  Please note that parking is $7.00.  The R-line route features a stop near Meymandi Concert Hall, so you may always park here at the school and take the bus on the corner of Dawson and Morgan Streets.


  *   Regarding restrictions at Memorial and expectations as they prepare to enter the building.  Please visit the following link to read more about safety and security measures:  https://www.martinmariettacenter.com/safety-security.  In summary:
     *   Everyone will be guided through a security screening, which includes a metal detector.  Alternate screening methods are available for those of us with accessibility needs.
     *   Flowers are welcomed as long as they are NOT in a glass vase.
     *   Balloons are not allowed.  If someone brings them, they will have to tie them up outside.
     *   All bags are subject to search and no bags larger than 12"x12"x10" are allowed, with ONE exception:  Diaper bags are allowed for guests with infants and toddlers.
     *   Prohibited items include weapons of any kind, outside food and beverages, balloons, backpacks, camera bags, and cameras with detachable lenses.
  *   Other than seating marked as RESERVED, your guests are welcome to sit on any level of Memorial Auditorium that is not roped off.
  *   The school has hired professional photographers to take pictures throughout the event, especially as each graduate is being hooded and receiving his or her diploma.  We therefore ask that all guests remain in their seats throughout the event and guests cannot approach the stage.
  *   While parents are free to take pictures from their seats, we ask that they avoid any filming that may block the view of those seated behind them.

  *   Attire:  As this is a professional ceremony, it is advised that guests wear business attire.

If an emergency should arise that will prevent or delay your arrival to rehearsal or graduation, email lawregistrar at campbell.edu<mailto:lawregistrar at campbell.edu>.
Thursday, May 12th:

  *   11:00am:  Graduation rehearsal begins (be seated in Section C).
  *   12:30pm(ish):  Take class photo in the designated area.
  *   12:45pm(ish):  Graduation reception.

Friday, May 13th:

  *   08:45am:  Meet at the designated area of Memorial Auditorium to line up for graduation.
  *   10:00am-12:00pm:  Graduation ceremony.
  *   12:15pm-weekend:  Breathe a sigh of relief.  Hug. Cry. Repeat.  Enjoy loved ones and the weekend.  Begin studying for the bar (as applicable) on Monday.


  *   Book Awards:

3L Book Awards will be announced at the graduation reception; we will not notify you via email.  If the course was a mix of 2Ls and 3Ls, and only 3L grades were submitted, the professor may not have yet chosen a Book Award recipient.  Also, do remember that it is always at the discretion of the professor to designate a Book Award recipient.  If you receive a Book Award after all grades post, congratulations!  Someone will mail it to you.

  *   Honors:

Honors = Top 20% of the class or a GPA of 88, whichever generates the larger number of students.  Honors designations (summa cum lade, magna cum laude, or cum laude) are included in the graduation program and graduates are notified at the graduation rehearsal.

  *   Class Rank:

We run automated ranking processes (semester rank and class rank) only after all grades post for all students at the close of a semester.  However, we are aware that some of you need your final rank for job opportunities.  With that said, we will manually determine your final class rank by 5/20/2024 and notify you individually via a confidential email (similar to the Exam ID emails).

  *   Final Transcripts:

Transcripts cannot be finalized until all student grades have been finalized, for most upper-level courses have both 2L and 3L students in them.  We will email a notification to the entire student body once final transcripts are ready.  Upon finalization, you are welcome to order as needed via our third-party vendor, Parchment<https://law.campbell.edu/succeed/career-center/alumni-professional-development/>.  Transcripts are delivered electronically or as designated during the ordering process.  If you request an electronic delivery, it is usually sent within a few hours to 1 business day.

  *   Address Changes:

If applicable, please complete the attached form or find it on Podio and then submit to lawregistrar at campbell.edu<mailto:lawregistrar at campbell.edu>, so we can ensure that we have the most up-to-date address on file and for mailing your diploma.

Best Wishes for Your Future,

The 2024 CUSOL Graduation Planning Team
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