[Dhsc25] Upcoming Service Opportunity - Hazardous Waste Collection Event

THOMAS, ELINA ebthomas1208 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Oct 26 13:21:45 EDT 2023

Hello CPHS students,

Harnett County Solid Waste is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste
Collection & Paper Shredding Event on Saturday, November 4th, 9am - 12 pm.
Students from the Public Health Association will be volunteering for this
event, but I wanted to spread the word to all the CPHS who may be
interested in giving back to the local community and getting service hours.
Please see attached picture for more details.

*If you are interested in working this event, please add your information
to this google sheet ASAP: *

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you,
Elina B. Thomas
MSPH Candidate | Campbell University
ebthomas1208 at email.campbell.edu
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