[Dhsc25] Wilderness Med Challenge 2023

Barefoot, Sarah E sbarefoot at campbell.edu
Mon Oct 23 11:47:00 EDT 2023

Good morning,

Coming this fall, on Saturday, November 4th, 2023 the CUSOM Wilderness Medicine Club will be hosting a day-long event featuring wilderness medicine topics! This event will be open to EVERYONE (all CPHS students) – anyone with an interest in learning more about what wilderness medicine is all about.

The day will start off with lectures and skills workshops from our dedicated CUSOM faculty that cover topics ranging from hyperthermia to snake envenomation. After lectures, FREE LUNCH will be provided and then we will direct you to an offsite location (around Levine Hall) for afternoon scenarios where you will get to apply what you’ve just learned. This will be a full day event so be sure to pack what you need for that day (medications, etc.) – we will be providing snacks in the morning during lectures.

The event will be limited to 60 participants. If we reach that cutoff and you’re not on the list but would like to join, we will add you to a waitlist and will contact you ASAP if someone can no longer make it. The registration fee for the event is $20 which includes lunch and a SAM Splint. Prizes will also be available to top teams!

Please use this temporary signup page here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/191HNFtaSmkukHcazIwRsX6VSISTxt_LnsmuH8yLvqNU/edit?usp=sharing

The Mobile Cause link for payments will be coming soon!

Please also RSVP on the Engage site: https://campbell.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9539525

Wilderness medicine skills can be used in ANY profession and are useful even if you are not a medical professional. We hope this event will shed light on what wilderness medicine is all about and maybe even inspire some of you to pursue it in your future careers!

Please reach out with any questions!

Wilderness Med Club Leadership
 - David Lehrburger (d_lehrburger0718 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:d_lehrburger0718 at email.campbell.edu>)
 - Paul Scott
 - Terence Tsang

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