[Dhsc24] FW: CPHS Common Scholarship Application Tips & Tricks Webinar

Barefoot, Sarah E sbarefoot at campbell.edu
Tue Feb 7 13:55:17 EST 2023

CPHS invites you to apply to our CPHS Common Scholarship application during our annual scholarship competition!

Dates to apply: February 15, 2023- May 5, 2023
                       Early-Bird Deadline March 15th

To help you prepare for your application, Student Affairs will be offering a webinar on the following date and time to offer tips and tricks for completing a competitive application. We are here to answer any and all of your questions regarding the scholarship process!

Monday, February 8th @ 3pm EST

CLICK HERE<https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/j/95620412059?pwd=Y2M2ME9PNHRQVVdLTWJBZzUxaklSQT09> to attend and save the link for the event.

Check your email & our website<https://cphs.campbell.edu/admissions/scholarships/> weekly for new scholarship updates.

More questions about scholarships? Contact Sarah Barefoot:
Office of Admissions & Student Affairs | Maddox Hall, Suite 123
sbarefoot at campbell.edu|<mailto:sbarefoot at campbell.edu|> (910) 893-1692

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