[Dhsc24] Welcome and Welcome Back!

Hicks, Ansley M ahicks at campbell.edu
Tue Aug 1 09:35:04 EDT 2023

Happy August 1st ! Please see the welcome message from Dr. Brown.

Thank you,

Ansley Hicks, M.Ed. | Campbell University
Program Manager | Public Health
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
ahicks at campbell.edu<mailto:ahicks at campbell.edu> | 910-814-5386


Welcome and welcome back to the DHSc program!

I hope that each of you had a great summer and found some time to relax.  I am excited to start this semester for the DHSc program!

Each one of your faculty is excited for the opportunity to teach you, share their knowledge and expertise, and mentor you on this professional journey. Your coursework for this year is fantastic, and all of the faculty have been busy preparing for the start of classes.

All the faculty and staff within the program are here to support you and help you. Should you have any questions or concerns arise, please contact me at brownp at camlbell.edu.

Once again, welcome, and welcome back! May you all have a great semester and year!

Dr. Brown

K. Paige D. Brown, PharmD | Campbell University
Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Maddox Hall, Alumni Suite, Office 127
Post Office Box 1090, Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506
Phone: 910.893-1231| Fax: 910.893.1493|
Email: brownp at campbell.edu

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