[Cusom27] Comprehensive Exam - Informational Email #1

Vaskalis, Zachary T vaskalis at campbell.edu
Thu May 16 10:05:51 EDT 2024

Good morning Class of 2027,
I promise Block 4 does not go on forever! One more week of final exams and it will be over!!! I've had some questions regarding the Comprehensive Exam which is part of the CABS I course in Block 5 - it is a live-online remote exam! You'll get more info next week after Exam 3 on Thursday, but in order to not burden you too much now with all of that I will keep it short. :)
You should have received an email at the beginning of the year through TrueLearn regarding your COMBANK account setup. If you can't find the welcome email, go to this link: https://www.truelearn.net/Index.html and click forgot password.  Enter your Campbell student email and follow the process from there. You must have this account operational before the start of the comprehensive exam, on Friday May 24th at 8:00 AM EDT.
Since this exam is administered through the TrueLearn website, we will be proctoring the exam via ZOOM. You must report to the ZOOM room by 7:50 am EDT so you can be accounted for and allowed to proceed with the exam. If you are not present in the ZOOM room you will not be able to take the assessment. The exam will begin promptly at 8:00 am EDT. The ZOOM link and additional info will be coming next Thursday.
We are happy to address any additional questions or concerns before the exam next Friday.  :)
Kind regards,

Zachary T. Vaskalis, PhD
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs; Assistant Professor
Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Leon Levine Hall Room 187 | Toll-Free (855) 287 - 6613 Ext. 1879
(910) 893 - 1879 | Fax (910) 893 - 7242 | vaskalis at campbell.edu<mailto:vaskalis at campbell.edu>

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