[Cusom27] FW: AMBOSS Event 7/8

Bryant, Wendy D wbryant at campbell.edu
Mon Jun 24 20:57:51 EDT 2024

This message is being sent on behalf of AMBOSS.


Wendy D. Bryant, PhD
Assistant Director of Student Affairs
School of Osteopathic Medicine | Campbell University
Post Office Box 4280 | Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506
Levine Hall Office #123 | 910-893-1846 | medicine.campbell.edu<http://medicine.campbell.edu/>

[cid:image001.png at 01DAC679.2C2FE610]<http://medicine.campbell.edu/>

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AMBOSS is hosting a Clerkship Bootcamp just for CUSOM students on July 8th from 12:00-12:40pm via Zoom.
At this session, you will learn how to utilize their extensive medical library and question bank to ace your shelf exams and Level/Step 2. The AMBOSS team will highlight how to use their many clinical tools including management checklists, on-call survival guide, and diagnostic algorithms to impress your attendings and take ownership of your own patient management.

Register here<https://cxxgz04.na1.hs-sales-engage.com/Ctc/I4+23284/cxxgz04/JkM2-6qcW6N1vHY6lZ3mTW15s6f_1T44_MW6FlQq36k8QWxN2V9JX0t9Vd7W16RvSV8YslSKW3WD7BT8tkDFCW5P7vNS4_kv8qW14H4ff6DSgHkW6fzQTq6qjwS2W1cv1mX7BLfTtW6sk9WW3NyDl7W8kldTC1x-t3hW7v33hn577nbbW8hqTT06zKKP8W1_Zf8w2Bz-bbW1TXntC2tfsNbW78BynR1hKYbGW3hX71H56lTxPW14-K_46pm3SKW7cfWWB3-tgF0W8cKbgT5fp_RlW99KgfR14Hr8lW2G9Vw38mf08Kf7d6mSK04> and attend to receive a 7-day AMBOSS free trial and a $50 eGift card redeemable at popular retailers. There will also be a group discount following the session where you can receive up to 30% off of AMBOSS packages.

Thank you,
Evan Eggiman | MS-II
Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine | Class of 2026
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