[Cusom27] FW: Endowed Scholarship Application OPEN – Financial Wellness, Aid, and Debt Management

Pipes, Deborah A dpipes at campbell.edu
Mon Apr 29 09:41:34 EDT 2024

The below scholarship application information is sent on behalf of Campbell’s Financial Aid Office.
Thank you!



Debi Pipes
Director of Student Affairs
School of Osteopathic Medicine | Campbell University
Post Office Box 4280 | Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506
Levine Hall Office #115 | 910-893-1784 | medicine.campbell.edu<http://medicine.campbell.edu/>

[cid:image001.png at 01DA9A19.6B3A1740]<http://medicine.campbell.edu/>

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From: Severin, Benjamin M <bseverin at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 9:35 AM
To: Pipes, Deborah A <dpipes at campbell.edu>
Subject: Endowed Scholarship Application OPEN – Financial Wellness, Aid, and Debt Management


Please find below our OPEN endowed scholarship application for the upcoming year.

24/25 Scholarship Application: https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/wgttdll05vyu2a/

This application will close 12am 05/18/24 (evening of 05/17/24), so be sure to submit as soon as you are able! If selected to be awarded a scholarship, you will be notified via your Campbell e-mail address accordingly.

Thank You,

Ben Severin
Associate Director
Office of Financial Aid
Campbell University
(910) 893-1317 (Phone)

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