[Cusom27] FW: SAAO Block 2 Mock Practical

Bryant, Wendy D wbryant at campbell.edu
Thu Nov 30 08:20:23 EST 2023

This message is being sent on behalf of the SAAO.
Hello everyone,
I've had some people reach out to me who had trouble finding the links for the mock practical signup/payment. If you were unable to sign up and were wanting to attend, here are the two links:
Signup: tinyurl.com/MockOMMB2<http://tinyurl.com/MockOMMB2>
Payment: tinyurl.com/SAAOPayment<http://tinyurl.com/SAAOPayment>
See you there,
David Coale, OMS-II
CUSOM Class of 2026
President of Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO)

Previous message:

To all OMS-I students,
It's that time again! Many of you shared how helpful the mock practical was with preparing for the last block's practical, and we want to give you another opportunity to practice in the OMM lab and receive some feedback. This one will run the same as last time, and just as for your upcoming practical it will include material from both the first and second block.
It will be from 2-4pm this Friday (December 1st) and be $5. Please use the links on the poster above to sign up and pay. (Remember that if you have paid for 2 mock practicals, a total of $10, you will be an official CUSOM SAAO member and no longer have to pay for any other mock practical for the rest of the year!) For those of you who didn't sign up in the past I'd highly encourage you to sign up this time; OMM is always building on itself and each practical is going to reflect that. This is also not a substitute for your review on Tuesday (11/28) so make sure to come to the lab prepared and then fine-tune your knowledge this Friday with SAAO!
Good luck! See you on Friday!
David Coale, OMS-II
CUSOM Class of 2026
President of Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO)
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