[Cusom27] Fw: Psychiatry Club Service Event

Bryant, Wendy D wbryant at campbell.edu
Wed Nov 8 10:29:03 EST 2023

This message is being sent on behalf of the Psychiatry Club.



Wendy D. Bryant, PhD (ABD)

Assistant Director of Student Affairs

School of Osteopathic Medicine | Campbell University

Post Office Box 4280 | Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506

Levine Hall Office #123 | 910-893-1846 | medicine.campbell.edu<http://medicine.campbell.edu/>


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From: Thornhill, Robert <r_thornhill0701 at email.campbell.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 9:49 AM
To: Bryant, Wendy D <wbryant at campbell.edu>
Subject: Psychiatry Club Service Event

Want to do something good for someone else?  Want to do it at a convenient time and from the comfort of your home?  Well, how about this: Psychiatry Club is collecting hand written letters to send to veterans for thanksgiving this year.  As you might know, mental health struggles are common among veterans, and holidays can be particularly challenging.  Hearing words of encouragement or gratitude from even a complete stranger can be surprisingly uplifting.

Instructions: You'll write the letters on your own stationary (cards or regular paper is fine), seal them in an envelope, and drop them off to the labeled box at the security desk on the first floor of Levine Hall.  You do not need to address the envelopes (they will all be sent together to the Fayetteville VA for distribution).  You may decide whether to keep the letters anonymous or to include your name on them.  However, so that we can keep track of who submitted letters (and verify that info for TOUCH hours...see below), please in some way identify your letters (for example, bundle them and write your name on a sticky note attached to the bundle...or simply write your name on the envelopes).  NOTE: If you don't have envelopes, we'll include some in the drop-off box.

Deadline: We will be mailing these letters to Veterans' Affairs Friday November 17th, so please have these dropped off by the end of the night on Thursday November 16th.

TOUCH hours: For each letter you write, you can receive 1 TOUCH hour,  with a max of 2 total TOUCH hours.

If you have questions, contact JT Woods (jtwoods0105 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:jtwoods0105 at email.campbell.edu>).

*Finally, if you plan to participate, please fill out the short Google Form here<https://forms.gle/x46gQUbqKfMCaooB7>.
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