[lawmajordonors] FW: Week Ahead, March 4- March 10

Leonard, J. Rich leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Mar 4 09:10:13 EST 2024

From: CU-NAWSOL Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities <OSLPBO at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 8:52 AM
To: lawstudents at list.campbell.edu; Raleigh Campus All Faculty and Staff <raleighcampusall at campbell.edu>; Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>
Cc: Burrell, Madyson G <mburrell at campbell.edu>
Subject: Week Ahead, March 4- March 10

On Behalf Of The Office of Student Life, Pro Bono Opportunities, and Belonging

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The Week Ahead
Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
on behalf of the Student Bar Association

New Announcements

SBA Events Calendar + The Week Ahead Newsletter
To have your event approved and added to the Week Ahead Newsletter, please fill out the Event Request Form and email Assistant Dean of Student Life, Regina Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rchavis at campbell.edu>. The deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon for the following week's newsletter. If you have any questions, please email Dean Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rchavis at campbell.edu>.

Career Community Closet
Students, faculty, and staff we have a career closet in room 457.  Students feel free to take or borrow what you need. Please clean borrowed items before you return them. We have a variety of options to choose from!

CLS Graduation Cords
As graduation is fast approaching, CLS wants to give their graduating members an opportunity to purchase graduation cords to wear to represent their membership and participation! Only CLS members may sign-up to receive a chord. Members may sign-up here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflklznGQw9XMUMCz1On7xvgyaQBB_X3H4SNZJdlT1YDHmUcQ/viewform>. If you'd like to join CLS, please email Ashlynn Nelson, ajnelson0418 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:ajnelson0418 at email.campbell.edu>.

2024-2025 PBC Application
Exciting news! Applications for the 2024-2025 Pro Bono Council are now open. Dive into meaningful community service by applying for executive positions or project manager roles. Don't worry about experience-everyone is welcome.

Apply by March 15th:
Submit your application here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vmf1yl14pltDJ7Mre94vCjS4cGKy5UFt/view?usp=sharing> by 11:59 pm on March 15th, 2024.

Craft Your Own Project:
If you don't find a project that fits, propose your own! Fill out the project proposal form here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e427VNoF7y_dGYIPlgYby_bowmNq1pNQ/view?usp=sharing> to share your unique vision.

Join us in making a difference. For questions, contact Amber Doyle at andoyle0706 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:andoyle0706 at email.campbell.edu>.

Notice of Proposed Student Organizations | Employment Law Association
An Application for Organization Charter for Employment Law Association has been approved by the Office of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities. Please see the attached Application for Organization Charter and Constitution. As a part of the student organization chartering process, a "Notice of Proposed Student Organization" announcement will be added to the Week Ahead Newsletter for the two weeks immediately following the approval of the organization.  Any student may appeal the creation of a student organization to the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee within ten (10) business days of the first, published "Notice of Proposed Student Organization" announcement. To begin the appeal process, the student must send an email to the Assistant Dean of Student Life, Pro Bono Opportunities, and Belonging, Regina Chavis at rchavis at campbell.edu<mailto:rchavis at campbell.edu> and the Chair of the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee, Suzanna Geiser at sgeiser at campbell.edu<mailto:sgeiser at campbell.edu>.  The Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee will investigate the appeal in a timely manner. Any decision by the Community, Diversity, and Student Life Committee will be reviewed by Dean Leonard who retains final approval authority.

To view the charter, click HERE<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mgburrell0511_campbell_edu/EQvND2kishdMqC3Z016Ff9YB3b3NnHq0jdpWy1--Mh2Ydw?e=oFMiEx>. To view the application, click HERE<https://campbell0-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mgburrell0511_campbell_edu/EfcrfjNV4vFGhekS-sy2TLIBye1Fxscm-Z6K-uksrKfsSA?e=XUAIBL>.

Events & Activities

Monday, March 4

SBA Nominations Open
SBA Meeting
General body meeting.

Tuesday, March 5

  *   Voting opens for Law Day student, faculty, and staff superlatives
  *   Registration for Family Day opens
  *   Registration for Law Day opens

Wednesday, March 6

SBA Nominations close

Judicial Clerkship Panel
If you have ever considered the possibility of a post graduate judicial clerkship, or even if you have not, this is your chance to meet 3 fantastic Campbell Law alumni and hear about the tremendous impact clerking had on their careers. Matt Gorga clerked for the NC Business Court and is now at Nelson Mullins, Lydia Stoney clerked for the federal bankruptcy court and now practices at Hendren Malone, and Ayrana Ainolhayat clerked for the US District Court for the Middle District and is now at Robinson Bradshaw. Professor Sawchak will moderate. Join us Wednesday, March 6 at noon for learning and networking in room 310. RSVP in Symplicity for lunch!
Food will be provided.
Confidence in the Courtroom
Join Women in Law to hear from a panel featuring accomplished women who know their way around a courtroom and want to share their knowledge with YOU!

Voting closes for Law Day student, faculty, and staff superlatives

Thursday, March 7

Polls open for SBA elections
Why Wills?
Wills and advance directives interest meeting with special guest speaker, Kristy Sides.
LSASADV Panel Discussion on U.S. v. Rahimi
Please join LSASADV, Professor Wallace, Professor Bordatto, and Professor Waugaman as we discuss the U.S. v. Rahimi case that is currently pending in SCOTUS. This is a case about the 2nd Amendment and whether the Government can prohibit firearm possession for someone who has a domestic violence restraining order. Lunch will be provided for those that RSVP<https://culsasadv.wufoo.com/forms/q1qzgvug0gljno9/>!
Food will be provided.

Peer Mentor Program
Join us for lunch and an opportunity to ask questions about class registration, summer internships, study abroad, or exam tips! We will have breakout sessions by interest and plenty of food to share. All 1Ls are welcome! Please RSVP by filling out this form<http://tinyurl.com/4w9tuap6>.
Food will be provided.

Friday, March 8
Red Letter Bible Study
You are invited to the 'Red Letter' Bible study (every Friday!) for food, fellowship, and the good Word. Come see what the excitement is all about!
Food will be provided.

Polls close for SBA elections

Saturday, March 9

Sunday, March 10
1:00 pm- 3:00pm
Flex Brunch

Luck, Love, and Law School registration closes

Looking Ahead
Spring Break | Mar 11th to 15th
Enjoy your break from classes!

ACTL (American College of Trial Lawyers) Program- March 19th at 12:00pm | Room 307
More information to be announced!

Graduation Fair | Mar 20th at 10:00am | Pope Foyer
The Graduation Fair, during which time you can order a doctoral tam, invitations, a
class ring, and etc. will occur on March 20, 2024, from 10am-2pm in the Pope Foyer.

Campbell Connections Mentorship Program | Mar 20th at 12:00pm | Room 308
The Campbell Connections Mentorship Program will be holding an information session for 2Ls (rising 3Ls) on Wednesday, March 20 at 12:00 pm in room 308.  Lunch will be provided for those who register.  If you have questions, please contact Megan Sherron (sherron at campbell.edu<mailto:sherron at campbell.edu>) or Sharon Sparks (ssparks at campbell.edu<mailto:ssparks at campbell.edu>).  To register for the info session, please click HERE<https://fundraise.givesmart.com/form/GGYH-g?vid=13p8w3>.

Minority Women in Law Panel | Mar 20th at 5:30pm | Room 105
The minority women in Law Panel will consist of a group of diverse female lawyers who will share their experience breaking barriers in the workforce. Topics discussed will include imposter syndrome and navigating a male-dominated profession. Followed by a reception in Pope Foyer.

How to Build a Law Practice with John McCabe and Kristin Beightol (w/Will Sparks) - Mar 21st at 12:00pm | Room TBD
More information to be announced!

The Impending AI Revolution in the Legal Profession | Mar 21st at 5:00pm | The Jiddi Space and Courtyard
The Campbell Law Review is excited to host its 2024 Symposium: "The Impending AI Revolution in the Legal Profession." The Symposium will be held at the Jiddi Space & Courtyard in downtown Raleigh from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 21st. The event will include a social hour, a seated dinner, an incredible panel of industry experts, and a Q&A session. Registration is open to students, faculty/staff, and public registrants.

The panel discussion will explore the nature of artificial intelligence, its applications in the legal field, and the anticipated transformations it may bring to the legal landscape. Leading the conversation will be an impressive panel of industry experts, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers. The Symposium offers two hours of CLE credit for North Carolina attorneys.

We are currently at capacity, but you can reach out to Emily Hatem (emhatem0918 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:emhatem0918 at email.campbell.edu>) or Emily Sullivan (ebsullivan0202 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:ebsullivan0202 at email.campbell.edu>) to be placed on the waitlist!

Luck in Love and Law School | Mar 21st at 5:30pm | Room 105
Please join Professor Gadson and his wife, Eboni, for a dinner and discussion about the side of law school that they don't talk about: family, friends, and partners. Feel free to bring your partner, close friends, and/or children to this evening and learn how to juggle law school while still having a life outside the walls of the school. Dinner and childcare will be provided. Registration<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1JPK2IgH99tEU0LoYvUwx3zKUcGnBv2B-UEEJfa9ZbgsKtQ/viewform>, including the need for dietary restrictions, will close March 10th at 11:59pm.

Annual Campbell Law Classic Golf Tournament | Mar 22nd at 12:00pm | Eagle Ridge Golf Club
Campbell Law SBA is hosting our Annual Campbell Law Classic Golf Tournament at Eagle Ridge Golf Club on Friday, March 22. Golfers are encouraged to arrive at noon for BBQ box lunches provided by the Tavern on the Green at Eagle Ridge. Following lunch and check-in, the tournament will begin at 1 pm with a shotgun-style start. Golfers can test their skills and try their hand at a long-drive hole and several closest to the pin holes. The tournament is open to law students, family members, faculty/staff, attorneys, and alumni, with the goal of bringing the legal community and future Campbell attorneys together while raising money for SBA, which will go towards benefitting student organizations. The address for the golf course is 565 Competition Rd, Raleigh, NC 27603.  Buy your tickets HERE<https://fundraise.givesmart.com/form/fJRT1A?vid=13ti9g> now!

Player Costs:
- Students - $30
- Family - $50
- Faculty/Staff - $55

Family Day and Awards Banquet | Mar 23rd | 9:00am at Campbell Law School | 6:00pm at the Sheraton Raleigh
Save the Date! Family Day and Awards Banquet will be held Saturday, March 23rd, 2024. The morning portion will be held at the school and will include mock classes. The night portion will be held at the Sheraton Raleigh. Awards will be presented during the banquets such as all 2023 Book Awards, Professor of the Year, and more!

How to Have a Successful Summer with Brian Gilman Smith Debnam | Mar 25th at 12:00pm | Room 307
More information to be announced!

ABA Announcements

The 2023-2024 National Awards Application Period is Open! Each year, the ABA Law Student Division recognizes the achievement of individual law students, law school organizations, and law students. National awards are presented to ABA-approved law schools, students, and student organizations from ABA-approved law schools in several categories. The award period is open NOW and the application period will end Friday, April 26 at Noon CDT. For more information, please visit https://www.americanbar.org/groups/law_students/about/awards/.

Additional Information

SBA Student Spotlight
Know a Campbell Law Student that deserves some recognition? Nominate them for the SBA Student Spotlight! Simply tell us the nominee's name and why they deserve the spotlight for a day. Accomplishments do not have to be academic or law school related. Examples include: running in a 5K, volunteering, overcoming personal challenges, traveling, dedication to family or friends, heading up a project for a student organization, etc. Selected nominees will be featured on SBA's Instagram, @campbelllawsba. To nominate someone for the SBA Student Spotlight, click HERE.<https://forms.gle/tLwg4ib4Kw5HftkNA>

Questions, Suggestions, Comments, and/or Concerns?
Let SBA know using the Virtual Suggestion Box<https://forms.gle/BPWbEXtwYLLGtAH37>!  Submissions will be reviewed by the SBA Executive Board and discussed during bi-weekly SBA Council meetings. The outcome of Virtual Suggestion Box matters will be documented in SBA Meeting Minutes. Minutes are attached to the Week Ahead email following the SBA meeting. Students may submit anonymously; if contact information is provided, we will follow up with the outcome of your submission.

SBA Minutes
If you would like to review the minutes for previous meetings held by SBA, please click the link HERE<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/152A9wZnHXM0yhV_VqwG4MOdyPiMrrUUx?usp=sharing>. You must be signed into your Campbell Law Student email to access the minutes. If you have any questions about SBA minutes, please email SBA Secretary Jesse Osborn: jrosborn1212 at email.campbell.edu<mailto:jrosborn1212 at email.campbell.edu>

New SBA Website
A new student resource has been created by the SBA to help students find forms, book library rooms, and important documents. The website also includes a comprehensive calendar of all events happening around Campbell Law School. To visit the website, please click HERE<https://sites.google.com/email.campbell.edu/campbellsba/>.

Lunchdrop | Available Now!
Campbell Law is now an approved drop-off location for Lunchdrop! Lunchdrop is a food delivery service that delivers from select restaurants daily. All you have to do is make an account, and you can start ordering lunch delivered right to the law school. Orders must be made before 10:30 a.m., and the lunches will be dropped off in the lobby. To sign up and start having lunches delivered to the school: click HERE<https://raleigh.lunchdrop.com/ds/59t2yx>.

Health & Wellness Resources

Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form: Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfntHSoSa5b-U3BtWKlwB4V-uM_2tiTXUB35nOD92EeS7IqQA/viewform?pli=1>
This is a weekly prayer request form provided by the Campbell Law student chapter of the Christian Legal Society.  The purpose of this form is to provide Campbell Law students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to request prayer for the needs that they may have, whether those needs be physical or spiritual and on their own behalf or on behalf of another. Every week, the officers of the Campbell Law Christian Legal Society will read all prayer requests and gather together to lift those supplications to the Lord in prayer. Please know that all prayer requests will be held in the strictest confidence unless you tell us otherwise. We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will grant you grace for every need.
"[D]o not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV).

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Be sure to follow Campbell Law School on your favorite social media sites to stay up to date:
Facebook: Campbell University School of Law<https://www.facebook.com/campbelllawschool/> | Twitter: @CampbellLawNow,<https://twitter.com/CampbellLawNow> | Instagram: @Campbell_law<http://www.instagram.com/campbell_law/>

Regina Chavis
Assistant Dean of Student Life, Pro Bono Opportunities, and Belonging
Campbell Law School
225 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
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