[lawmajordonors] Fwd: Week Ahead | 4/3 - 4/9 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter

Leonard, J. Rich leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Apr 3 09:47:07 EDT 2023

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From: CU-NAWSOL Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities <OSLPBO at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 9:11:15 AM
To: lawstudents at list.campbell.edu <lawstudents at list.campbell.edu>; Raleigh Campus All Faculty and Staff <raleighcampusall at campbell.edu>; Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>
Cc: lawBOV at list.campbell.edu <lawbov at list.campbell.edu>
Subject: Week Ahead | 4/3 - 4/9 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter

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The Week Ahead

Campbell Law School Community Newsletter

on behalf of the Student Bar Association


SBA Events Calendar + The Week Ahead Newsletter

To have your event approved and added to the Week Ahead Newsletter, please fill out the Event Request Form and email Assistant Dean of Student Life & Pro Bono Opportunities, Raven Byrne at rbyrne at campbell.edu<mailto:rbyrne at campbell.edu>. The deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon for the following week’s newsletter. If you have any questions, please email Assistant Dean Byrne.

SBA Student Spotlight

Know a Campbell Law Student that deserves some recognition? Nominate them for the SBA Student Spotlight! Simply tell us the nominee's name and why they deserve the spotlight for a day. Accomplishments do not have to be academic or law school related. Examples include: running in a 5K, volunteering, overcoming personal challenges, traveling, dedication to family or friends, heading up a project for a student organization, etc. Selected nominees will be featured on SBA's Instagram, @campbelllawsba. To nominate someone for the SBA Student Spotlight, click HERE.<https://forms.gle/tLwg4ib4Kw5HftkNA>

Campbell’s Public Interest Law Summer Grants | Apply Now!

The Campbell Law Public Interest Summer Grant application is out! Are you working in an unpaid public interest law internship this summer? Do you need money? Apply for a grant today! Symplicity ID #18695. Deadline to apply: April 19. Does not apply to judicial clerkships and state/federal prosecutorial placements. Funded by CPILSA and the A.J. Fletcher Foundation.

Graduation | Seating Accommodations Request

For those who intend to participate in the May 2023 graduation ceremony, if one or more of your guests require space for a wheelchair inside Dorton Arena or other special seating considerations, please detail your request via this link:  SEATING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUEST<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/szzz3x2163j1sy/>.  All requests should be submitted by 4/29/2023. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Sparks at ssparks at campbell.edu<mailto:ssparks at campbell.edu>.

Java City Coffee | New Hours of Operation

Java City Coffee has new hours of operation beginning Monday, March 20th. Java City will be open from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday – Thursday and from 8:00 am – 12:30 pm on Friday. Java City is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

LSSSE | Your Voice Counts!

Take the Law School Survey of Student Engagement! We will use the results to improve your experience and quality of education. Your responses help us to identify what is going well and what could benefit from more attention or a different approach. Through your participation we gain meaningful insights about how your education experience compares with other law schools. The survey is conducted by an independent research center. Your responses and comments are anonymous to the school. Look for an email invitation on April 4th! See the attached pdf for more info.

Lunchdrop | Available Now!

Campbell Law is now an approved drop-off location for Lunchdrop! Lunchdrop is a food delivery service that delivers from select restaurants daily.  With Lunchdrop, anyone can order the exact meal they want with no minimums. Each meal is individually prepared and labeled, just like ordering takeout. All you have to do is make an account, and you can start ordering lunch delivered right to the law school. Orders must be made before 10:30 a.m., and the lunches will be dropped off in the lobby. To sign up and start having lunches delivered to the school: CLICK HERE<https://raleigh.lunchdrop.com/join/TAYL3850>

SBA Apparel 2022-2023 | Deadline to order extended!

Clink on the link to see the price of each T-shirt or crewneck. Each one is available in size S-3XL. Bulk shipping to the school is free, or students may choose to have their order shipped directly to their home address for an extra fee. Apparel sales will be open until SATURDAY, APRIL 15TH. If you send it to your home, the shipping company should tell you when they will deliver your apparel.

White T-Shirt: https://thegraphiccowcompany.com/show.aspx?wonumber=WO713617&link=tbanker%2fTH228202331631PM76

Grey/Granite T-Shirt


Denim Crewneck:


Events & Activities

Monday, April 3


Pope Foyer

Roadways to the Bench: Who Me? A Bankruptcy or Magistrate Judge?

Roadways to the Bench, a program hosted by the federal judiciary to expand the pipeline of potential federal bankruptcy and magistrate judges, will be held at Campbell Law School on April 3 starting at 4:00pm in the Law School Foyer. The event will feature a nationally-broadcast judicial panel discussion, in-person roundtable discussions between federal judges, lawyers, and law students, and a reception. Approximately 20 federal judges plan to attend; the roundtable discussions provide students and lawyers the opportunity to learn more about each judge’s path to the federal bench. Registration is required for admittance to this event. You are not successfully registered for this event until you receive a confirmation email from roadways at nceb.uscourts.gov<mailto:roadways at nceb.uscourts.gov>.

Tuesday, April 4



Lexis Prepare to Practice

Prepare to Practice: RSVP for free lunch. Free Rambler mug plus 305 Lexis points. Link in Instagram bio: lexiscampbelllaw



Law Library Prepare to Practice

Attention graduating 3Ls, 2L summer associates, law clerks, research assistants, and anyone who would like a research refresher! The Law Library will be holding our annual PREPARE TO PRACTICE. During this session, we will walk through a legal research problem from beginning to end, starting with issue spotting, developing a research strategy, using practice aids, finding applicable cases, statutes, and municipal codes, and ultimately answering our “client’s” question in a time-sensitive environment.

Click here to sign up for the Tuesday session: https://law.campbell.libcal.com/event/10587385

Lunch will be provided! Spaces are limited; sign up today. Please RSVP so we can have an accurate headcount.



Women In Law

Join Women in Law for a Women’s Judicial Panel! Join female judges from North Carolina to discuss the pathway to becoming a judge. This is a unique and important networking opportunity!

Judges on Panel: Chief Judge Donna Stroud (Chief Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals) Judge Christy Wilhelm (Chief District Court Judge in Cabarrus County) Judge Rhonda Young (Wake County District Court Judge)

Judge Allegra Collins, moderator (Judge on the North Carolina Court of Appeals). Dinner will be provided, please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/HXfM1Y5igHJanJaq6.

Wednesday, April 5



SBA Diversity Affairs Lunch & Learn

SBA Diversity Affairs invites you to a discussion on Native American law.  This Lunch & Learn will be hosted by our very own Shooter Russel, and Professor Geiser.  We will be discussing recent SCOTUS decisions and how they affect Native Sovereignty.  Lunch provided to those who register. Register here: https://forms.gle/W6GyWz79YRGTY5iL6

Do you have a diversity related event you would like to see a Lunch and Learn about? Please fill out this Form!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVYePDp6HLRpf-w64_HJqwsSHfkfhSb4Tp2EAeJw8ylsPwJQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>

Thursday, April 6



Lawyers & Leaders

Join us for lunch! Professor Powell will talk about his work as a criminal defense attorney and how it led him to start the Restorative Justice Clinic here at Campbell Law. Register for lunch here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPR358sCB8FKIevOi2Y7uP7yLnY5nh9TzieYZ0QjUQEtufjw/viewform?usp=sf_link



Christian Legal Society

Join Christian Legal Society and Dean Bridges for lunch!



Campbell Business First Thursdays Professional Development Series

A Guide for Givers: Solutions & Strategies to Maximize Your Giving Impact. Learning creative giving strategies and solutions to help you and/or your business give-with greater impact now and for years to come. To register visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_alVfi6EPRCSjKjWLzdN8RA#/registration


West Street Dog

BAR-K Review

Are you ready for a Dog gone good time? Is your dog itching to get out of the apartment and have some fun? Well, we have the event for you! SBA Student life invites you to attend the FIRST BAR-K Review at West Street Dog!  Bring your furry friend along to hang out, play, and relax with all of our fluffy friends! See the Terms and Conditions of the Dog Park HERE<https://www.weststreetdog.com/memberships/>  Please complete the registration form here: https://forms.gle/qvd6z49NzocskwGQA

Please note that West Street Dogs *REQUIRES* dogs to be vaccinated, which is provided in the link above and in the registration form. SBA will cover the FIRST 15 people who register using the link above! We look forward to seeing everyone’s pups!

Friday, April 7

Good Friday Holiday

No classes.

Saturday, April 8

Sunday, April 9

Easter Sunday

Looking Ahead

LDOC Barristers BBQ Bash | April 19 | 11:30am - 1:30pm

Join SBA on the Last Day of Class to celebrate a great year and gear up for exams! Sam Jones BBQ is providing the food for a second year in a row. Come out for some great food and good times with your peers! There will be tables inside and outside (weather permitting) as well as fun games! If you have dietary restrictions and can’t eat bbq, please click the link: Last Day of Class BBQ Meal Accommodations<https://forms.gle/mk11n9jcmznEC3Up8>.

Additional Information

Questions, Suggestions, Comments, and/or Concerns?

Let SBA know using the Virtual Suggestion Box<https://forms.gle/BPWbEXtwYLLGtAH37>!  Submissions will be reviewed by the SBA Executive Board and discussed during bi-weekly SBA Council meetings. The outcome of Virtual Suggestion Box matters will be documented in SBA Meeting Minutes. Minutes are attached to the Week Ahead email following the SBA meeting. Students may submit anonymously; if contact information is provided, we will follow up with the outcome of your submission.

Health & Wellness Resources

Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form: Christian Legal Society Prayer Request Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_J_uONPLcutO254gfdWGs8PSHL2oVU9gKiqzHC8FwBdaYdw/viewform?usp=pp_url>

This is a weekly prayer request form provided by the Campbell Law student chapter of the Christian Legal Society.  The purpose of this form is to provide Campbell Law students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to request prayer for the needs that they may have, whether those needs be physical or spiritual and on their own behalf or on behalf of another. Every week, the officers of the Campbell Law Christian Legal Society will read all prayer requests and gather together to lift those supplications to the Lord in prayer. Please know that all prayer requests will be held in the strictest confidence unless you tell us otherwise. We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will grant you grace for every need.

"[D]o not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV).

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Be sure to follow Campbell Law School on your favorite social media sites to stay up to date:

Facebook: Campbell University School of Law<https://www.facebook.com/campbelllawschool/> | Twitter: @CampbellLawNow,<https://twitter.com/CampbellLawNow> | Instagram: @Campbell_law<http://www.instagram.com/campbell_law/>

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